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 1 //地图显示功能 2 #ifndef MAPWIDGET_H 3 #define MAPWIDGET_H 4  5 #include <QGraphicsView> 6 #include <QLabel> 7 #include <QLineEdit> 8 #include <QPushButton> 9 #include <QMouseEvent>10 11 class MapWidget : public QGraphicsView12 {13     Q_OBJECT14 public:15 16     MapWidget();17     void readMap();                //读取地图信息18     QPointF mapToMap(QPointF);     //用于实现场景坐标系与地图坐标间的映射.以获得某点的经纬度19 20 public slots:21     void slotZoom(int);            //缩放信号22 protected:23     //完成地图的显示功能24     void drawBackground (QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect);25 26     void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *event);27 private:28     QPixmap map;29     qreal zoom;30     QLabel *viewCoord;  //视图目前坐标(以窗口左上为原点)31     QLabel *sceneCoord; //场景目前坐标(以场景中心为原点)32     QLabel *mapCoord;   //地图目前坐标33 34     double x1, y1;35     double x2, y2;36 37 };38 39 #endif // MAPWIDGET_H
//mapwidget.cpp#include "mapwidget.h"#include <QSlider>         //滑动条#include <QGridLayout>#include <QFile>#include <QTextStream>#include <QGraphicsScene>#include <math.h>MapWidget::MapWidget(){    //读取地图信息--用于读取描述地图信息的文件(包括地图名及经纬度等信息)    readMap ();    zoom = 50;    int width = map.width ();    int height = map.height ();    //新建一个QGraphicsScene对象为主窗口连接一个场景    QGraphicsScene *scene = new QGraphicsScene(this);    //限定场景的显示区域为地图大小    scene->setSceneRect (-width/2, -height/2, width, height);    setScene (scene);    /***     * The background is cached(隐藏,缓存). This affects both custom backgrounds, and     * backgrounds based on the backgroundBrush property. When this flag is enabled,     * QGraphicsView will allocate one pixmap with the full size of the viewport     */    setCacheMode (CacheBackground);    /***     * 用于地图缩放的滑动条     * 新建一个QSlider对象作为地图的缩放控制     */    QSlider *slider = new QSlider;    //设置滚动条方向-垂直    slider->setOrientation (Qt::Vertical);    slider->setRange (1, 100);        //设置地图缩放比例值范围为0~100    slider->setTickInterval (10);     //显示刻度间隔为10    slider->setValue (0);            //设置当前初始值为50    // 将缩放控制条的valueChanged()信号与地图缩放slotZoom()槽函数相关联    connect (slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotZoom(int)));    //缩放图标    QLabel *zoominLabel = new QLabel;    zoominLabel->setScaledContents (true);    zoominLabel->setPixmap (QPixmap("zoomin.png"));    QLabel *zoomoutLabel = new QLabel;    zoomoutLabel->setScaledContents (true);    zoomoutLabel->setPixmap (QPixmap("zoomout.png"));    //坐标值显示区    QLabel *label1 = new QLabel(tr("GraphicsView:"));    viewCoord = new QLabel;    QLabel *label2 = new QLabel(tr("GraphicsScene:"));    sceneCoord = new QLabel;    QLabel *label3 = new QLabel(tr("map:"));    mapCoord = new QLabel;    //坐标显示区布局    QGridLayout *gridLayout = new QGridLayout;    gridLayout->addWidget (label1, 0, 0);    gridLayout->addWidget (viewCoord, 0, 1);    gridLayout->addWidget (label2, 1, 0);    gridLayout->addWidget (sceneCoord, 1, 1);    gridLayout->addWidget (label3, 2, 0);    gridLayout->addWidget (mapCoord, 2, 1);    gridLayout->setSizeConstraint (QLayout::SetFixedSize);    QFrame *coordFrame = new QFrame;    coordFrame->setLayout (gridLayout);    //缩放控制子布局    QVBoxLayout *zoomLayout = new QVBoxLayout;    zoomLayout->addWidget (zoominLabel);    zoomLayout->addWidget (slider);    zoomLayout->addWidget (zoomoutLabel);    //坐标显示区布局    QVBoxLayout *coordLayout = new QVBoxLayout;    coordLayout->addWidget (coordFrame);    coordLayout->addStretch ();    //主布局    QHBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QHBoxLayout;    mainLayout->addLayout (zoomLayout);    mainLayout->addLayout (coordLayout);    mainLayout->addStretch ();          //平均分割    mainLayout->setMargin (30);         //设置对话框(或窗体)的边距为30    mainLayout->setSpacing (10);        //设定各个控件之间的间距为10    setLayout (mainLayout);             //在场景中设置为布局    setWindowTitle ("Map Widget");    setMinimumSize (600, 400);}//读取地图信息void MapWidget::readMap (){    QString mapName;    //新建一个QFile对象,“map.txt"是描述地图信息的文本文件    QFile mapFile("maps.txt");    //以"只读"的方式打开此文件    int ok = mapFile.open (QIODevice::ReadOnly);    if (ok)                   //分别以读取地图的名称和四个经纬度信息    {        QTextStream ts(&mapFile);        if (!ts.atEnd ()) {              //没有到末尾返回false            ts >> mapName;               //储存字符串            ts >> x1 >> y1 >> x2 >> y2;  //储存地图左上角和右下角的经纬度        }    }    map.load (mapName);      //将地图读取至私有标量map中}//根据缩放滑动条的当前值,确定缩放的比例,调用scale()函数实现地图缩放--完成地图缩放功能slotZoomvoid MapWidget::slotZoom (int value){    qreal s;                  //缩放大小    if (value > zoom) {       //放大        s = pow (1.01, (value - zoom));    }    else {        s = pow(1/1.01, (zoom - value));    }    scale(s, s);    zoom = value;            //当前放大值}//drawBackground()--以地图图片重绘场景的背景来实现地图显示void MapWidget::drawBackground (QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect){    /***     * The scene rectangle defines the extent of the scene, and in the view‘s case,     * this means the area of the scene that you can navigate using the scroll bars.     */    painter->drawPixmap (int(sceneRect ().left ()) + 10, int(sceneRect ().top ()) - 10, map);//    //Demo 在图片上绘线//    QPen pen;//    pen.setWidth (4);//    pen.setColor (Qt::red);//    painter->setPen (pen);//    painter->setBrush (Qt::red);//    painter->drawLine (100, 10, 100, 100);}//完成某点在各层坐标中的映射及显示void MapWidget::mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *event){    //QGraphicesView 坐标    QPoint viewPoint = event->pos ();   //鼠标事件位置    viewCoord->setText (QString::number (viewPoint.x ()) + "," + QString::number (viewPoint.y ()));    //QGraphiccsScene 坐标 -- 将视图坐标转换成场景坐标    QPointF scenePoint = mapToScene (viewPoint);    sceneCoord->setText (QString::number (scenePoint.x ()) + "," + QString::number (scenePoint.y ()));    //地图坐标(经,纬度值)    QPointF latLon = mapToMap (scenePoint);    mapCoord->setText (QString::number (latLon.x ()) + "," + QString::number (latLon.y ()));}//完成从场景至地图坐标的转换mapToMap()QPointF MapWidget::mapToMap (QPointF p){    QPointF latLon;       //地图坐标    qreal w = sceneRect ().width ();      //场景长度    qreal h = sceneRect ().height ();     //场景高度    qreal lon = y1 - ( (h/2+p.y ()) * abs(y1-y2)/h );    qreal lat = x1 + ( (w/2+p.x ()) * abs(x1-x2)/w );    latLon.setX (lat);    latLon.setY (lon);    return latLon;}
 1 //mainwidget 2 #ifndef MAINWINDOW_H 3 #define MAINWINDOW_H 4  5 #include <QMainWindow> 6 #include "mapwidget.h" 7 #include <QToolButton> 8 #include <QLabel> 9 #include <QComboBox>10 #include <QSpinBox>11 #include <QTextEdit>12 13 class MainWindow : public QMainWindow14 {15     Q_OBJECT16 17 public:18     MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);19     ~MainWindow();20     void createToolBar();21     void paintEvent (QPaintEvent *);22 public slots:23     void setStartStation();24     void setEndStation();25     void FindPath();26     void Clear();27 private:28     MapWidget *mapWidget;29     QLabel *startLabel;30     QLabel *endLabel;31     QComboBox *startComboBox;32     QComboBox *endComboBox;33     QToolButton *findPathBtn;34     QToolButton *clearBtn;35 };36 37 #endif // MAINWINDOW_H
 1 //布局实现-mainwindow.cpp 2  3 #include "mainwindow.h" 4 #include <QToolBar> 5  6 MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) 7     : QMainWindow(parent) 8 { 9     mapWidget = new MapWidget;10     createToolBar ();  //实现一个工具栏11     setCentralWidget (mapWidget);12     setMinimumSize (600, 400);  //设置最小尺寸13 }14 15 MainWindow::~MainWindow()16 {17 }18 19 void MainWindow::createToolBar ()20 {21     QToolBar *toolBar = addToolBar ("Tool");22     startLabel = new QLabel(tr("起点: "));23     startComboBox = new QComboBox;24     startComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓6号楼")); startComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓10号楼"));25     startComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓5号楼")); startComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓9号楼"));26     startComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓4号楼")); startComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓8号楼"));27     startComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓3号楼")); startComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓7号楼"));28     startComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓2号楼"));29     startComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓1号楼")); startComboBox->addItem (tr("图书馆"));30     startComboBox->addItem (tr("一食堂")); startComboBox->addItem (tr("西操场"));31     startComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓23号楼")); startComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓13号楼"));32     startComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓22号楼")); startComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓12号楼"));33 34     endLabel = new QLabel(tr("\t终点: "));35 36     endComboBox = new QComboBox;37     endComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓6号楼")); endComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓10号楼"));38     endComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓5号楼")); endComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓9号楼"));39     endComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓4号楼")); endComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓8号楼"));40     endComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓3号楼")); endComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓7号楼"));41     endComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓2号楼"));42     endComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓1号楼")); endComboBox->addItem (tr("图书馆"));43     endComboBox->addItem (tr("一食堂"));    endComboBox->addItem (tr("西操场"));44     endComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓23号楼"));endComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓13号楼"));45     endComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓22号楼"));endComboBox->addItem (tr("公寓12号楼"));46 47     connect (startComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(setStartStation()));48     connect (endComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(setEndStation()));49 50     findPathBtn = new QToolButton;51     findPathBtn->setText (tr("\t\t绘制最短路径"));52 53     connect (findPathBtn, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(FindPath()));54 55     clearBtn = new QToolButton;56     clearBtn->setText (tr("\t\t清除"));57 58     connect (clearBtn, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(Clear()));59 60     toolBar->addWidget (startLabel);61     toolBar->addWidget (startComboBox);62     toolBar->addWidget (endLabel);63     toolBar->addWidget (endComboBox);64     toolBar->addWidget (findPathBtn);65     toolBar->addWidget (clearBtn);66 }67 68 void MainWindow::setStartStation ()69 {70 71 }72 73 void MainWindow::setEndStation ()74 {75 76 }77 78 void MainWindow::FindPath ()79 {80 81 }82 83 void MainWindow::Clear ()84 {85 86 }87 88 void MainWindow::paintEvent (QPaintEvent *)89 {90 91 }
