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all & any

def all(*args, **kwargs):    """    Return True if bool(x) is True for all values x in the iterable.        If the iterable is empty, return True.    """


print(all([1, 2, 3, 0]))   # Falseprint(all([1, 2, 3]))      # Trueprint(all([1, 2, 3, ‘‘]))  # Falseprint(all(‘‘))             # True


def any(*args, **kwargs):     """    Return True if bool(x) is True for any x in the iterable.        If the iterable is empty, return False.    """


print(any([0, ‘‘]))        # Falseprint(any([1, 2, 3]))      # Trueprint(any([1, 2, 3, ‘‘]))  # Trueprint(any(‘‘))             # False


all & any