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Synopsys SVTB Makefile

 1 # Makefile for SystemVerilog Lab6 2 PKG =  3 TSCALE = -timescale="1ns/100ps" 4 RTL= ../../rtl/router.v 5 BADRTL= ../../rtl/bad/router.v 6 SVTB = ./router_test_top.sv ./router_io.sv ./test.sv 7 SEED = 1 8  9 default: test 10 11 test: compile run12 13 bad: compile_bad run14 15 package_run: PKG = ./router_test_pkg.sv16 package_run: compile run17 18 run:19     ./simv -l simv.log +ntb_random_seed=$(SEED)20     urg -dir simv.vdb21     urg -dir simv.vdb -format text22 23 run_pkg:24     ./simv -l simv.log +ntb_random_seed=$(SEED)25 26 compile:27     vcs -l vcs.log -sverilog -debug_all $(TSCALE) $(PKG) $(SVTB) $(RTL)28 29 compile_bad:30     vcs -l vcs.log -sverilog -debug_all $(TSCALE) $(PKG) $(SVTB) $(BADRTL)31 32 coverage:33     firefox $(PWD)/urgReport/dashboard.html &34 35 template:36     ntb_template -t router -c clock ../../rtl/router.v37 38 dve:39     dve -vpd vcdplus.vpd &40 41 debug:42     ./simv -l simv.log -gui -tbug +ntb_random_seed=$(SEED)43 44 copy:45     cp ../../solutions/lab5/*.sv .46     cp ../../solutions/lab6/Environment.sv .47     cp ../../solutions/lab6/router_test_pkg.sv.orig router_test_pkg.sv48     cp ../../solutions/lab6/Scoreboard.sv.orig Scoreboard.sv49     cp ../../solutions/lab6/test.sv.orig test.sv50     cp ../../solutions/lab5/router_test.h .51 52 mycopy:53     cp ../lab5/*.sv .54     cp ../../solutions/lab6/Environment.sv .55     cp ../../solutions/lab6/router_test_pkg.sv.orig router_test_pkg.sv56     cp ../../solutions/lab6/Scoreboard.sv.orig Scoreboard.sv57     cp ../../solutions/lab6/test.sv.orig test.sv58     cp ../lab5/router_test.h .59 60 solution: clean61     cp ../../solutions/lab6/*.sv .62     cp ../../solutions/lab6/router_test.h .63 64 clean:65     rm -rf simv* csrc* *.tmp *.vpd *.key *.log *hdrs.h66 67 nuke: clean68     rm -rf *.v* include *.sv .*.lock *.old .*.old DVE* *.tcl urg* *.h69 70 help:71     @echo ===========================================================================72     @echo  "                                         "73     @echo  " USAGE: make target <SEED=xxx>                                          "74     @echo  "                                         "75     @echo  " ------------------------- Test TARGETS --------------------------------"76     @echo  " test       => Compiles TB and GOOD DUT files, runs the simulation.     "77     @echo  " bad        => Compiles TB and BAD DUT files, runs the simulation.      "78     @echo  " compile    => Compiles the TB and DUT.                                 "79     @echo  " run        => Runs the simulation.                                     "80     @echo  " template   => Builds ntb templates                                     "81     @echo  " dve        => Runs dve in post-processing mode                         "82     @echo  " debug      => Runs simulation interactively with dve                   "83     @echo  " clean      => Removes all intermediate simv and log files.             "84     @echo  "                                                                        "85     @echo  " -------------------- ADMINISTRATIVE TARGETS ---------------------------"86     @echo  " help       => Displays this message.                                   "87     @echo  " copy       => Copies lab files from previous working  directory        "88     @echo  " mycopy     => Copies lab files from previous solution  directory       "89     @echo  " solution   => Copies all files from current solutions directory        "90     @echo  " nuke       => Erases all changes. Put all files back to original state "91     @echo  "                                                 "92     @echo ===========================================================================


Synopsys SVTB Makefile