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JTable 单元格合并 【转】



(1)我们可以使用Jtable的三个方法:getCellRect(),columnAtPoint(),and rowAtPoint()。第一个方法返回一个单元格的边界(Rectangle类),第二、三个方法分别返回屏幕指定位置的列和行。为了实现单元格合并,我们需要重载(overwrite)这三个方法。 




package com.neuri.ctable; 
public interface CMap 

* @参数row:指定单元格所在的逻辑行 
* @参数column:指定单元格所在的逻辑列 
* @返回指定单元格所跨越的列数 
int span (int row, int column); 
* @参数row:指定单元格所在的逻辑行 
* @参数column:指定单元格所在的逻辑列 
* @返回覆盖指定单元格的可视单元格的列值,如果单元格本来就是可视的话,返回自身的列值 
int visibleCell(int row, int column); 



package com.neuri.ctable; 
import javax.swing.*; 
import javax.swing.table.*; 
import java.awt.*; 
public class CTable extends JTable { 
public CMap map; 
public CTable(CMap cmp, TableModel tbl) { 
 setUI(new CTUI());//设置Jtable的渲染UI 
public Rectangle getCellRect(int row, int column, boolean includeSpacing){ 
// 该方法是Jtable构建时所必须的 
 if (map==null) return super.getCellRect(row,column, includeSpacing); 
// 指定单元格的可视单元格列值 
 int sk=map.visibleCell(row,column); 
 Rectangle r1=super.getCellRect(row,sk,includeSpacing); 
// 如果指定单元格列宽不为1,累计出跨列单元格的宽度 
 if (map.span(row,sk)!=1) 
  for (int i=1; i<map.span(row,sk); i++){ 
 return r1; 
public int columnAtPoint(Point p) { 
  int x=super.columnAtPoint(p); 
// 当指定位置不在Table内时,返回-1 
  if (x<0) return x; 
  int y=super.rowAtPoint(p); 
  return map.visibleCell(y,x); 

现在剩下的就只有创建一个表格的渲染对象了。不同的用户接口管理器(user interface managers)使用不同的类来画表格。我们会继承子类 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTableUI,并且重载其方法 paintComponent。 

在组件(component)画在屏幕上之前,它已经被初始化和设定好了,所以我们能使用其内部的属性 table 和 rendererPane。属性 table 就是将要被画在屏幕的表格,rendererPane 是用于将单元格画在表格中的特殊对象。使用RendererPane的目的是打破单元格和表格的直接依赖关系,并且防止当一个单元格被修改时重画整个表。 

BasicTableUI的方法getClipBounds是用于找出表格的哪一部分将会被画出来,所以我们首先要知道那些行是可视的,我们可以使用Jtable 的rowAtPoint方法。我们可以使用Rectangle类的intersects方法来确定这些行中的所有单元格是否将会被画在屏幕上。在我们画任何一个单元格前,我们必须检查一下当前单元格是否可视,如果该单元格是被其它单元格所覆盖的,就将覆盖它的单元格画出来。 


package com.neuri.ctable; 
import javax.swing.table.*; 
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.*; 
import java.awt.*; 
import javax.swing.*; 
public class CTUI extends BasicTableUI 

public void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c) { 
  Rectangle r=g.getClipBounds(); 
  int firstRow=table.rowAtPoint(new Point(0,r.y)); 
  int lastRow=table.rowAtPoint(new Point(0,r.y+r.height)); 
// -1 is a flag that the ending point is outside the table 
  if (lastRow<0) 
  for (int i=firstRow; i<=lastRow; i++) 
private void paintRow(int row, Graphics g) 
Rectangle r=g.getClipBounds(); 
for (int i=0; i<table.getColumnCount();i++) 
 Rectangle r1=table.getCellRect(row,i,true); 
 if (r1.intersects(r)) // at least a part is visible 
 int sk=((CTable)table).map.visibleCell(red,i); 
// increment the column counter 

private void paintCell(int row, int column, Graphics g,Rectangle area) { 
int verticalMargin = table.getRowMargin(); 
int horizontalMargin = table.getColumnModel().getColumnMargin(); 

Color c = g.getColor(); 

area.setBounds(area.x + horizontalMargin/2, 
area.y + verticalMargin/2, 
area.width - horizontalMargin, 
area.height - verticalMargin); 

if (table.isEditing() && table.getEditingRow()==row && 
  table.getEditingColumn()==column) { 
  Component component = table.getEditorComponent(); 
else { 
 TableCellRenderer renderer = table.getCellRenderer(row, column); 
 Component component = table.prepareRenderer(renderer, row, column); 
 if (component.getParent() == null) 
 rendererPane.paintComponent(g, component, table, area.x, area.y, 
 area.width, area.height, true); 


今天下载了关于java swing的一个开源项目包tame,不过由于完成年代久远(98年),很多类在新的jdk1.4或jdk1.5上已经会报错。例如AttributiveCellTableModel类的setDataVector方法便需要改为:
public void setDataVector(Vector newData, Vector columnNames)
super.setDataVector(newData, columnNames);
cellAtt = new DefaultCellAttribute(dataVector.size(),columnIdentifiers.size());

①java swing基于MVC架构,或者说是Model-driven结构。以jtable为例,它的特有GUI-State Model是TableColumnModel(JTable是面向列的,它基于每一列进行绘制和编辑。分别是列绘制器TableCellRenderer和列编辑器TableCellEditor);它的共有GUI-State Model是Selection Model(和jlist、jtree等共用)。除了GUI-State Model,还有决定显示在控件中的内容的Application-data model,jtable的Application-data model是TableModel。实现方式是先定义接口TableModel,再定义抽象类AbstractTableModel实现这个接口,然后由DefaultTableModel实现抽象类。不过一般来说用户需要自己扩展AbstractTableModel实现它的几个方法来获取和设定值。
③现在我们需要自己绘制jtable,所以要用到Graphics类。另大部分的swing components 并不是直接由paint()方法来渲染(render),而是使用ComponentUI对象来完成渲染的。所以我们需要找出渲染Jtable的ComponentUI对象(BasicTableUI),并且修改它(重载paint()方法)以达到我们的目的。
④现在开始具体实现,tame先定义了4个接口(CellAttribute、ColoredCell、CellFont、CellSpan),用DefaultCellAttribute类实现了这四个接口,包含相关表格的基本属性(颜色、字体、合并单元格的属性等),这个类将每个cell定义为一个三维数组int[][][] span,并且都初始化为1。继承自DefaultTableModel的AttributiveCellTableModel负责初始化table,至此并无特异之处。当需要合并单元格时。监听按钮将调用DefaultCellAttribute的combine方法把被覆盖的单元格的三维数组int[][][] span设置为小于1,这样在绘制的时候就可以判断哪单元格可见,哪些单元格不可见了。接着通过重载jtable的三个方法得到cell的边界以及行和列的位置,重绘表格的时候通过每个cell返回的结果(边界、位置、是否可见)等循环绘制。
发表于 2006-04-05 09:04 沉思的狗
2010-05-01 11:11




CMap.java :

package com;

public interface CMap {
* @param row
* logical cell row
* @param column
* logical cell column
* @return number of columns spanned a cell
int span(int row, int column);

* @param row
* logical cell row
* @param column
* logical cell column
* @return the index of a visible cell covering a logical cell
int visibleCell(int row, int column);

CTUI.java :

package com;

import javax.swing.table.*;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class CTUI extends BasicTableUI {
public void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c) {
    Rectangle r = g.getClipBounds();
// int firstRow = table.rowAtPoint(new Point(0, r.y));//JTable table=super.table就好理解
// int lastRow = table.rowAtPoint(new Point(0, r.y + r.height));
    int firstCol = table.columnAtPoint( new Point( r.x , 0 ) );
    int lastCol = table.columnAtPoint(new Point( r.x + r.width, 0 ));

// -1 is a flag that the ending point is outside the table
// if (lastRow < 0)
// lastRow = table.getRowCount() - 1;
   if (lastCol < 0)
    lastCol = table.getColumnCount() - 1;
for (int i = firstCol; i <= lastCol; i++)
            paintCol(i, g);

private void paintCol(int col, Graphics g) {
  Rectangle r = g.getClipBounds();
  for (int i = 0; i < table.getRowCount(); i++) {
     Rectangle r1 = table.getCellRect( i, col, true);
       if (r1.intersects(r)) // at least a part is visible{
        int sk = ((CTable) table).map.visibleCell( i, col );
        paintCell( sk, col, g, r1);
// increment the column counter
       i += ((CTable) table).map.span( sk, col ) - 1;

private void paintCell(int row, int column, Graphics g, Rectangle area) {
      int verticalMargin = table.getRowMargin();
      int horizontalMargin = table.getColumnModel().getColumnMargin();

     Color c = g.getColor();
    g.drawRect(area.x, area.y, area.width - 1, area.height - 1);

    area.setBounds(area.x + horizontalMargin / 2, area.y + verticalMargin/ 2, 
                                 area.width - horizontalMargin,
                                 area.height- verticalMargin);

     if (table.isEditing() && table.getEditingRow() == row&& table.getEditingColumn() == column) {
              Component component = table.getEditorComponent();

        } else {
                TableCellRenderer renderer = table.getCellRenderer(row, column);
                Component component = table.prepareRenderer(renderer, row, column);
        if (component.getParent() == null)
         rendererPane.paintComponent(g, component, table, area.x, area.y, area.width, area.height, true);

CTable.java :

package com;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class CTable extends JTable {
  public CMap map;

  public CTable(CMap cmp, TableModel tbl) {
    map = cmp;
    setUI(new CTUI());

public Rectangle getCellRect(int row, int column, boolean includeSpacing) {
// required because getCellRect is used in JTable constructor
     if (map == null)
    return super.getCellRect(row, column, includeSpacing);
// add widths of all spanned logical cells
     int sk = map.visibleCell(row, column);
//Rectangle r1 = super.getCellRect(row, sk, includeSpacing);
     Rectangle r1 = super.getCellRect( sk, column, includeSpacing);
        if (map.span( sk, column ) != 1)
           for (int i = 1; i < map.span( sk, column ); i++) {
//r1.width += getColumnModel().getColumn(sk + i).getWidth();
           r1.height += this.getRowHeight( sk + i );
return r1;
public int rowAtPoint(Point p) {
    int x = super.columnAtPoint(p);
// -1 is returned by columnAtPoint if the point is not in the table
      if (x < 0)
           return x;
    int y = super.rowAtPoint(p);
         return map.visibleCell(y, x);

CMap1.java :



span( ) 表示合并的单元格的列,返回的是合并的格数。

visibleCell() 表示要渲染的格。返回的渲染的开始格的行。



package com;

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;

class CMap1 implements CMap {
public int span(int row, int column) {
   if( column == 0 || column == 9 )
   return 2;
   return 1;

public int visibleCell(int row, int column) {
    if( ( ( row >= 0 ) && ( row < 2 ) ) && ( column == 0 || column == 9 ) )
       return 0;
   if( ( ( row >= 2 ) && ( row < 4 ) ) && ( column == 0 || column == 9 ) )
      return 2;
  if( ( ( row >= 4 ) && ( row < 6 ) ) && ( column == 0 || column == 9 ) )
    return 4;
  if( ( ( row >= 6 ) && ( row < 8 ) ) && ( column == 0 || column == 9 ) )
    return 6;
  if( ( ( row >= 8 ) && ( row < 10 ) ) && ( column == 0 || column == 9 ) )
    return 8;
  if( ( ( row >= 10 ) && ( row < 12 ) ) && ( column == 0 || column == 9 ) )
    return 10;
  if( ( ( row >= 12 ) && ( row < 14 ) ) && ( column == 0 || column == 9 ) )
    return 12;
  if( ( ( row >= 14 ) && ( row < 16 ) ) && ( column == 0 || column == 9 ) )
    return 14;
    System.out.println( ">>>row = " + row + "column = " + column );
  return row;


package com;

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;

public class CTest {
public static void main(String args[]) {
JFrame jf = new JFrame("Table with cell spanning");

CMap m = new CMap1();
DefaultTableModel tm = new DefaultTableModel( 16, 10 ){
  public boolean isCellEditable( int indexRow, int indexColumn )
                 {return false;}

//tm.isCellEditable( 16, 10 );
 tm.setValueAt( "port1", 0, 0);//对一个合并的单元格填一个数据。
jf.getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(new CTable(m, tm)));
jf.setSize(500, 500);