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暴力 C++

一个面试题。主要复习C++语法与STL和list sort 二元谓语函数编写。

#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>#include<vector>#include<algorithm>#include<iostream>#include<list>using namespace std;/*    authhor: ramanu_jan*//***   the Order class*/class Order{    public:         Order(){}         Order(string order_type, int price, int quantity, string order_id){            this->order_type = order_type;  this->price = price;            this->quantity = quantity;      this->order_id = order_id;         }         int get_price(){return price;}         int get_quantity(){return quantity;}         string get_order_id(){return order_id;}         string get_order_type(){return order_type;}         void set_price(int price){this->price = price;}         void set_quantity(int quantity){this->quantity = quantity;}         void set_order_id(string order_id){this->order_id = order_id;}    private:        string order_id;        string order_type;        int price;        int quantity;};/***   use a buy list and a sell list to save orders for potential trades and PRINT operation.*   some string constants*/list<Order> l_buy, l_sell;const string BUY("BUY"), SELL("SELL"), CANCEL("CANCEL"),             IOC("IOC"), GFD("GFD"), MODIFY("MODIFY"), PRINT("PRINT");// buy operationvoid buy(Order order){    list<Order>::iterator itr;    //check if IOC orders exists, and cancel it when exist.    for(itr = l_buy.begin(); itr != l_buy.end(); itr++)        if(itr->get_order_type() == IOC) l_buy.erase(itr);    //check the trade condition if exists, conducts the trade when exists.    for(itr = l_sell.begin(); itr != l_sell.end(); itr++){        if(order.get_price() >= itr->get_price()){      // trade occurs            int traded_quantity = min(itr->get_quantity(), order.get_quantity());            cout << "TRADE " << itr->get_order_id() << " " << itr->get_price() << " " << traded_quantity << " "                             << order.get_order_id() << " " << order.get_price() << " " << traded_quantity << endl;            if(order.get_quantity() >= itr->get_quantity()){                order.set_quantity(order.get_quantity() - itr->get_quantity());                l_sell.erase(itr);            }            else{                itr->set_quantity(itr->get_quantity() - order.get_quantity());                order.set_quantity(0);  break;            }        }    }    //check if there is IOC type orders in sell queue, cancel them when there‘s.    for(itr = l_sell.begin(); itr !=l_sell.end(); itr++)        if(itr->get_order_type() == IOC) l_sell.erase(itr);    if(order.get_quantity() > 0) l_buy.push_back(order);}// sell operationvoid sell(Order order){    list<Order>::iterator itr;    //check if IOC orders exists, and cancel it when exist.    for(itr = l_sell.begin(); itr != l_sell.end(); itr++)        if(itr->get_order_type() == IOC) l_sell.erase(itr);    //check the trade condition if exists, conducts the trade when exists.    for(itr = l_buy.begin(); itr !=l_buy.end(); itr++){        if(itr->get_price() >= order.get_price()){            int traded_quantity = min(itr->get_quantity(), order.get_quantity());            cout << "TRADE " << itr->get_order_id() << " " << itr->get_price() << " " << traded_quantity << " "                             << order.get_order_id() << " " << order.get_price() << " " << traded_quantity << endl;            if(order.get_quantity() >= itr->get_quantity()){                order.set_quantity(order.get_quantity() - itr->get_quantity());                l_buy.erase(itr);            }            else{                itr->set_quantity(itr->get_quantity() - order.get_quantity());                order.set_quantity(0);  break;            }        }    }    //check if there is IOC type orders in buy queue, cancel them when there‘s.    for(itr = l_buy.begin(); itr != l_buy.end(); itr++)        if(itr->get_order_type() == IOC) l_buy.erase(itr);    if(order.get_quantity() > 0) l_sell.push_back(order);}// sell operation: check the input order id if exists in list sell and buy, cancel that when exists.void cancel(string order_id){    list<Order>::iterator itr;    for(itr = l_buy.begin(); itr != l_buy.end(); itr++)        if(order_id == itr->get_order_id()){            l_buy.erase(itr);   break;        }    for(itr = l_sell.begin(); itr != l_sell.end(); itr++)        if(order_id == itr->get_order_id()){            l_sell.erase(itr);  break;        }}//modify operationvoid modify(string order_id, string todo, int price, int quantity){    list<Order>::iterator itr;    //check if IOC orders exists, cancel them if exists.    for(itr = l_sell.begin(); itr != l_sell.end(); itr++) if(itr->get_order_type() == IOC)        l_sell.erase(itr);    for(itr = l_buy.begin(); itr != l_buy.end(); itr++) if(itr->get_order_type() == IOC)        l_buy.erase(itr);    //check sell orders    for(itr = l_sell.begin(); itr != l_sell.end(); itr++) if(itr->get_order_id() == order_id){        //when nothing modified, we just do nothing        //in other cases, we shall check if there is a trade.        if(todo == SELL && price == itr->get_price() && quantity == itr->get_quantity()) return;        Order order(itr->get_order_type(), price, quantity, order_id);        l_sell.erase(itr);        if(todo == SELL) sell(order);        else buy(order);        return;    }    //check buy orders    for(itr = l_buy.begin(); itr != l_sell.end(); itr++) if(itr->get_order_id() == order_id){       if(todo == BUY && price == itr->get_price() && quantity == itr->get_quantity()) return;        Order order(itr->get_order_type(), price, quantity, order_id);        l_buy.erase(itr);        if(todo == BUY) buy(order);        else sell(order);        return;    }}bool cmp(Order x, Order y){    return x.get_price() > y.get_price();}/***   use backup lists to sort and integrate orders by price and different lists they are in, then print them out.*/void print(){    list<Order> lbuy(l_buy), lsell(l_sell);    lbuy.sort(cmp);        lsell.sort(cmp);    if(lbuy.size() > 1){        list<Order>::iterator pre = lbuy.begin(), cur = pre;    cur++;        while(cur != lbuy.end()){            if(cur->get_price() == pre->get_price()){                cur->set_quantity(cur->get_quantity() + pre->get_quantity());                lbuy.erase(pre);                pre = cur;            }            cur++;        }    }    if(lsell.size() > 1){        list<Order>::iterator pre = lsell.begin(), cur = pre;   cur++;        while(cur != lsell.end()){            if(cur->get_price() == pre->get_price()){                cur->set_quantity(cur->get_quantity() + pre->get_quantity());                lsell.erase(pre);                pre = cur;            }            cur++;        }    }    list<Order>::iterator itr;    cout << "SELL:" << endl;    for(itr = lsell.begin(); itr != lsell.end(); itr++)        cout << itr->get_price() << " " << itr->get_quantity() << endl;    cout << "BUY:" << endl;    for(itr = lbuy.begin(); itr != lbuy.end(); itr++)        cout << itr->get_price() << " " << itr->get_quantity() << endl;}int main(){    l_buy.clear();    l_sell.clear();    string str;    while(cin >> str){        if(str == BUY){            string order_type, order_id;  int price, quantity;            cin >> order_type >> price >> quantity >> order_id;            Order order(order_type, price, quantity, order_id);            buy(order);        }        else if(str == SELL){            string order_type, order_id;  int price, quantity;            cin >> order_type >> price >> quantity >> order_id;            Order order(order_type, price, quantity, order_id);            sell(order);        }        else if(str == CANCEL){            string order_id;            cin >> order_id;            cancel(order_id);        }        else if(str == MODIFY){            string order_id, todo;  int quantity, price;            cin >> order_id >> todo >> price >> quantity;            modify(order_id,todo, price, quantity);        }        else print();    }    return 0;}


暴力 C++