首页 > 代码库 > zencart通过产品id 批量添加推荐产品

zencart通过产品id 批量添加推荐产品

1.修改 admin/featured.php

查找 pre_add_confirmation

将 pre_add_confirmation 与  break; 之间的代码,用下面的代码替换即可

<?php  case ‘pre_add_confirmation‘:      // check for blank or existing featured        $pre_add_products_id=$_POST[‘pre_add_products_id‘];        $pre_add_products_id2=explode(‘,‘,$pre_add_products_id);        foreach($pre_add_products_id2 as $key=>$val) {            $sql = "select products_id from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " where products_id=‘" . (int)$val . "‘";            $check_featured = $db->Execute($sql);            if ($check_featured->RecordCount() == 1) {                $sql = "select products_id from " . TABLE_FEATURED . " where products_id=‘" . (int)$val . "‘";                $check_featured = $db->Execute($sql);                if ($check_featured->RecordCount() < 1) {                    // add empty featured                    $featured_date_available = ((zen_db_prepare_input($_POST[‘start‘]) == ‘‘) ? ‘0001-01-01‘ : zen_date_raw($_POST[‘start‘]));                    $expires_date = ((zen_db_prepare_input($_POST[‘end‘]) == ‘‘) ? ‘0001-01-01‘ : zen_date_raw($_POST[‘end‘]));                    $products_id = zen_db_prepare_input($val);                    $db->Execute("insert into " . TABLE_FEATURED . " (products_id, featured_date_added, expires_date, status, featured_date_available)                        values (‘" . (int)$products_id . "‘, now(), ‘" . zen_db_input($expires_date) . "‘, ‘1‘, ‘" . zen_db_input($featured_date_available) . "‘)");                }            }             }        break;?>


查找 函数 zen_set_field_length

在这个函数下面 增加以下函数即可

  function zen_set_field_length_1000($max=50, $override=false) {    $field_length= 1000;    switch (true) {      case (($override == false and $field_length > $max)):        $length= ‘size = "‘ . ($max+1) . ‘" maxlength= "‘ . $field_length . ‘"‘;        break;      default:        $length= ‘size = "‘ . ($field_length+1) . ‘" maxlength = "‘ . $field_length . ‘"‘;        break;    }    return $length;  }


3. 做完上面2步后 就可以 通过后台 Catalog --> Featured Products --> 点击右边的 Product ID to be Manually Added as a Featured按钮
然后在文本框中输入产品的id, 产品id之间用英文逗号隔开,列如 21,55,23,89