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ObjectInputStream (2)

  1 package Aug14.IO;  2   3 import java.io.*;  4 import java.util.*;  5 import java.util.Map.Entry;  6   7 public class TestCurrentAccount {  8   9     private void objectWriter(Map<Integer, CurrentAccount> m, File f) { 10         try { 11             // File f = new File("D:\\Account.txt"); 12             ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream( 13                     new FileOutputStream(f)); 14             oos.writeObject(m); 15             oos.flush(); 16             oos.close(); 17             System.out.println("File Writing Success"); 18         } catch (Exception e) { 19             e.printStackTrace(); 20         } 21     } 22  23     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") 24     private void objectReader(File f) { 25         try { 26  27             ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream( 28                     new FileInputStream(f)); 29  30             Map<Integer, CurrentAccount> m = (Map<Integer, CurrentAccount>) ois 31                     .readObject(); 32  33             Set view = m.entrySet(); 34             Iterator it = view.iterator(); 35             while (it.hasNext()) { 36                 Entry<Integer, CurrentAccount> ca = (Entry<Integer, CurrentAccount>) it 37                         .next(); 38                 CurrentAccount cur = ca.getValue(); 39                 System.out.println("Key:- " + ca.getKey() + "\tValues:- " 40                         + cur.getAccountId() + "  " + cur.getName() + "  " 41                         + cur.getBalanceAmount()); 42  43             } 44             ois.close(); 45         } catch (Exception e) { 46             e.printStackTrace(); 47         } 48         System.out.println("File Reading Success"); 49     } 50  51     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") 52     public static void main(String[] args) { 53         Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in); 54         CurrentAccount cu; 55         // Map map=new HashMap(); 56         Map<Integer, CurrentAccount> map = new HashMap<Integer, CurrentAccount>(); 57         for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { 58             cu = new CurrentAccount(); 59  60             System.out.println("Enter AccountId"); 61             cu.setAccountId(reader.nextInt()); 62             System.out.println("Enter name"); 63             cu.setName(reader.next()); 64             System.out.println("Enter balanceAmount"); 65             cu.setBalanceAmount(reader.nextDouble()); 66             map.put(10000 + i, cu); 67         } 68  69         String answer = "No"; 70  71         while (answer.equals("No") || !answer.equals("Yes")) { 72             System.out.println("Enter the path to store the data:"); 73             // File f = new File("D:\\Account.txt"); 74             String path = reader.next(); 75             File file = new File(path); 76  77             if (file.exists()) { 78                 System.out 79                         .println("The file already exists ,do you want it being overwritten?(Yes/No)"); 80                 answer = reader.next(); 81  82                 if (answer.equals("Yes")) { 83                     TestCurrentAccount ta = new TestCurrentAccount(); 84                     ta.objectWriter(map, file); 85                     ta.objectReader(file); 86                     break; 87                 } else if (answer.equals("No")) { 88                     System.out 89                             .println("Enter the new  path to store the data:"); 90  91                 } else { 92                     System.out 93                             .println("Please enter the right answer,try again:"); 94                 } 95             } else { 96                 TestCurrentAccount ta = new TestCurrentAccount(); 97                 ta.objectWriter(map, file); 98                 ta.objectReader(file); 99                 break;100 101             }102 103         }104     }105 }106 107 class CurrentAccount implements Serializable {108     int AccountId;109     String name;110     double balanceAmount;111 112     public int getAccountId() {113         return AccountId;114     }115 116     public void setAccountId(int accountId) {117         AccountId = accountId;118     }119 120     public String getName() {121         return name;122     }123 124     public void setName(String name) {125         this.name = name;126     }127 128     public double getBalanceAmount() {129         return balanceAmount;130     }131 132     public void setBalanceAmount(double balanceAmount) {133         this.balanceAmount = balanceAmount;134     }135 136 }