首页 > 代码库 > spring框架中一个跟String的trim方法一样的方法


    @Test    public void testTrimWhitespace() throws Exception {        assertEquals(null, StringUtils.trimWhitespace(null));        assertEquals("", StringUtils.trimWhitespace(""));        assertEquals("", StringUtils.trimWhitespace(" "));        assertEquals("", StringUtils.trimWhitespace("\t"));        assertEquals("a", StringUtils.trimWhitespace(" a"));        assertEquals("a", StringUtils.trimWhitespace("a "));        assertEquals("a", StringUtils.trimWhitespace(" a "));        assertEquals("a b", StringUtils.trimWhitespace(" a b "));        assertEquals("a b  c", StringUtils.trimWhitespace(" a b  c "));        assertEquals("a b  c", StringUtils.trimWhitespace("\r\f\n a b  c \t"));            }


\n 回车(\u000a)   
\t 水平制表符(\u0009)
\r 换行(\u000d)
\f 换页(\u000c)


    /**     * Trim leading and trailing whitespace from the given String.     * @param str the String to check     * @return the trimmed String     * @see java.lang.Character#isWhitespace     */    public static String trimWhitespace(String str) {        if (!hasLength(str)) {            return str;        }        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str);        while (sb.length() > 0 && Character.isWhitespace(sb.charAt(0))) {            sb.deleteCharAt(0);        }        while (sb.length() > 0 && Character.isWhitespace(sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1))) {            sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1);        }        return sb.toString();    }
    /**     * Check that the given String is neither {@code null} nor of length 0.     * Note: Will return {@code true} for a String that purely consists of whitespace.     * @param str the String to check (may be {@code null})     * @return {@code true} if the String is not null and has length     * @see #hasLength(CharSequence)     */    public static boolean hasLength(String str) {        return hasLength((CharSequence) str);    }
    /**     * Check that the given CharSequence is neither {@code null} nor of length 0.     * Note: Will return {@code true} for a CharSequence that purely consists of whitespace.     * <p><pre class="code">     * StringUtils.hasLength(null) = false     * StringUtils.hasLength("") = false     * StringUtils.hasLength(" ") = true     * StringUtils.hasLength("Hello") = true     * </pre>     * @param str the CharSequence to check (may be {@code null})     * @return {@code true} if the CharSequence is not null and has length     * @see #hasText(String)     */    public static boolean hasLength(CharSequence str) {        return (str != null && str.length() > 0);    }

