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Chapter7: question 49 - 50

49. 把字符串转换为整数


Go: 8. String to Integer (atoi) 

50. 树种两个结点的最低公共祖先

A. 若是二叉搜索树,直接与根结点对比。 若都大于根节点,则在友子树;若都小于根节点,则在左子树;若根节点介于两数之间,则根节点即为答案。

B. 普通树,若是孩子节点有指向父节点的指针,则问题变为求两个链表的第一个公共结点。 如:37题。

C. 普通树:思路1,若一个结点的子树同时包含两个结点,而它的任一孩子结点的子树却不能同时包含,则该节点即为答案。需要重复遍历,时间复杂度较高。


#include <iostream> 
#include <string>
#include <list> 
using namespace std; 

typedef struct Node 
    int v;     // In this code, default positive Integer. 
    Node *child[3];
    Node(int x) : v(x){ child[0] = NULL; child[1] = NULL;child[2] = NULL; } 
} Tree; 

typedef list<Node*> PATH;
/*****        Basic functions  for tree     ***********/
Tree* createTree() // input a preOrder sequence, 0 denote empty node.
    Node *pRoot = NULL;
    int r;
    cin >> r;
    if(r != 0)         // equal to if(!r) return;
        pRoot = new Node(r);
        pRoot->child[0] = createTree();
        pRoot->child[1] = createTree();
        pRoot->child[2] = createTree();

    return pRoot;

void printTree(Tree *root, int level = 1){ 
    if(root == NULL) { cout << "NULL"; return; }; 
    string s; 
    for(int i = 0; i < level; ++i) s += "\t"; 
    cout << root->v << endl << s; 
    printTree(root->child[0], level+1); 
    cout << endl << s; 
    printTree(root->child[1], level+1); 
    cout << endl << s; 
    printTree(root->child[2], level+1);

void releaseTree(Tree *root){ 
    if(root == NULL) return; 
    delete[] root; 
    root = NULL; 
bool getPath(Tree *root, Node *node, PATH& path)
    if(root == NULL) return false;
    if(root == node) 
        return true;
    bool found = false;
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        found = getPath(root->child[i], node, path);
        if(found) break;
    if(!found) path.pop_back();
    return found;

Node* getLastCommonNode(const PATH &path1, const PATH &path2)
    Node *father = NULL;
    for(auto it1 = path1.begin(), it2 = path2.begin(); it1 != path1.end() && it2 != path2.end(); ++it1, ++it2)
        if(*it1 == *it2) father = *it1;
        else break;
    return father;

Node* getFirstCommonFather(Tree *root, Node *node1, Node *node2)
    if(root == NULL || node1 == NULL || node2 == NULL) return NULL;
    PATH path1, path2;
    if(getPath(root, node1, path1) && getPath(root, node2, path2))
        return getLastCommonNode(path1, path2);
    return NULL;

int main(){ 
    int TestTime = 3, k = 1; 
    while(k <= TestTime) 
        cout << "Test " << k++ << ":" << endl; 

        cout << "Create a tree: " << endl; 
        Node *pRoot = createTree(); 
        cout << endl; 

        Node *node1 = pRoot->child[1]->child[1]->child[2];
        Node *node2 = pRoot->child[1]->child[3]->child[1];
        Node *father;
        father = getFirstCommonFather(pRoot, node1, node2);
        cout << father->v << endl;
    return 0; 