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example for store procedure with both transcration and error handling

USE [Limo_DB]GO/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_Biz_Approve_Import]    Script Date: 09/06/2014 17:59:52 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER proc [dbo].[SP_Biz_Approve_Import]@Id int,@IsImmediate bit,@ApprovedBy int,@OutMsg varchar(100) outputasbegin		begin try	begin tran	declare @Type nvarchar(1)		if(@IsImmediate is null)	begin		update dbo.Import_Info set Checker=@ApprovedBy,		Is_Immediate=null, Status=‘Cancelled‘ 		where Id=@Id and ([Status]=‘Pending‘ or [Status]=‘Confirmed‘)		SET @OutMsg=‘S‘	end	else	begin		update dbo.Import_Info set Checker=@ApprovedBy,		Is_Immediate=@IsImmediate, Status=case @IsImmediate when 0 then ‘Confirmed‘ 		when 1 then ‘Complete‘ end,		Upload_To_Info_Date=case @IsImmediate when 0 then NULL		when 1 then GETDATE() end		where Id=@Id and ([Status]=‘Pending‘ or [Status]=‘Confirmed‘)		select @Type=[Type] from Import_Info where Id=@Id		if (@IsImmediate=1)	begin		exec [SP_Execute_Import] @Id,@Type	end		SET @OutMsg=‘S‘	end		COMMIT TRAN	END TRY		BEGIN CATCH		IF @@TRANCOUNT>0		BEGIN		   SET @OutMsg=‘F‘			   ROLLBACK TRAN		   INSERT INTO [dbo].[SYS_ServiceLog] VALUES(GETDATE(),‘ERROR‘,‘SP_Biz_Approve_Import‘,ERROR_MESSAGE(),NULL)		END	END CATCHend

  the following function also are available in CATCH block:



example for store procedure with both transcration and error handling