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[leetcode] LRU Cache @ Python

Design and implement a data structure for Least Recently Used (LRU) cache. It should support the following operations: get and set.

get(key) - Get the value (will always be positive) of the key if the key exists in the cache, otherwise return -1.
set(key, value) - Set or insert the value if the key is not already present. When the cache reached its capacity, it should invalidate the least recently used item before inserting a new item.


思路分析:可以考虑利用dict数据结构,查找时间是O(1)。但是Python的dictionary缺点是无序。而collections.OrderedDict是有序的, 后加入的元素一定排在先加入元素的后面, 操作和dictionary类似。所以本题目将利用此有序dictionary数据结构来实现。


import collectionsa = collections.OrderedDict()a[1] = 10 # 若1在a中就更新其值, 若1不在a中就加入(1, 10)这一对key-value。a[2] = 20a[3] = 30del a[2]a.popitem(last = True) # 弹出尾部的元素a.popitem(last = False) # 弹出头部的元素



class LRUCache:    # @param capacity, an integer    def __init__(self, capacity):        LRUCache.capacity = capacity        LRUCache.length = 0        LRUCache.dict = collections.OrderedDict()    # @return an integer            def get(self, key):        try:            value = LRUCache.dict[key]            del LRUCache.dict[key]            LRUCache.dict[key] = value            return value        except:            return -1                # @param key, an integer    # @param value, an integer    # @return nothing            def set(self, key, value):        try:            del LRUCache.dict[key]            LRUCache.dict[key] = value        except:            if LRUCache.length == LRUCache.capacity:                LRUCache.dict.popitem(last = False)                LRUCache.length -= 1            LRUCache.dict[key] = value            LRUCache.length +=1



[2]http://www.cnblogs.com/zuoyuan/p/3701572.html  (这个代码有75行,面试时效很差;但是是很好的对双向链表的练习)

[leetcode] LRU Cache @ Python