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【LeetCode】LRU Cache

LRU Cache

Design and implement a data structure for Least Recently Used (LRU) cache. It should support the following operations: get and set.

get(key) - Get the value (will always be positive) of the key if the key exists in the cache, otherwise return -1.
set(key, value) - Set or insert the value if the key is not already present. When the cache reached its capacity, it should invalidate the least recently used item before inserting a new item.







struct BiListNode{    int key;    BiListNode* prev;    BiListNode* next;    BiListNode(int k): key(k), prev(NULL), next(NULL){}};class LRUCache{public:    int capacity;    map<int, int> LRU;    BiListNode* head;    //head point to the recently used (key,value)    BiListNode* tail;    //tail point to the recently unused (key,value)    map<int, BiListNode*> m;        LRUCache(int capacity)     {        this->capacity = capacity;        head = NULL;        tail = NULL;    }        int get(int key)     {        map<int, int>::iterator it = LRU.find(key);        if(it != LRU.end())        {//find            //update the sequence            //the newly used node, move it to head            BiListNode* target = (m.find(key))->second;            if(target != head)            {                //target != head means target has prev                target->prev->next = target->next;                if(target->next != NULL)                    target->next->prev = target->prev;                else                {//target is the tail                    tail = target->prev;                }                target->next = head;                head->prev = target;                target->prev = NULL;                //new head                head = target;            }            return it->second;        }        else            return -1;    }        void set(int key, int value)     {        map<int, int>::iterator it = LRU.find(key);        if(it != LRU.end())        {//find, update            //update the value            it->second = value;                        //the newly used node, move it to head            BiListNode* target = (m.find(key))->second;            if(target != head)            {                //target != head means target has prev                target->prev->next = target->next;                if(target->next != NULL)                    target->next->prev = target->prev;                else                {//target is the tail                    tail = target->prev;                }                target->next = head;                head->prev = target;                target->prev = NULL;                //new head                head = target;            }        }        else        {//add, maybe delete first            if(LRU.size() == capacity)            {//full, delete first                //delete from list                if(tail->prev != NULL)                    tail->prev->next = NULL;                //delete from map                map<int, BiListNode*>::iterator it = m.find(tail->key);                m.erase(it);                //delete from LRU                map<int, int>::iterator it2 = LRU.find(tail->key);                LRU.erase(it2);                tail = tail->prev;            }            //add to list            if(head == NULL)            {                head = new BiListNode(key);                tail = head;            }            else            {                BiListNode* temp = new BiListNode(key);                temp->next = head;                head->prev = temp;                head = temp;            }            //add to map            m.insert(map<int, BiListNode*>::value_type(key, head));            //add            LRU.insert(map<int, int>::value_type(key, value));                    }    }};

【LeetCode】LRU Cache