首页 > 代码库 > Chapter 4 Objects and Classes

Chapter 4 Objects and Classes

1. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming(面向对象编程)

2. using Predefined Classes

3. Defined Your Own Classes

4. Static Fileds and Methods

5. Method Parameters

6. Objects Construction

7. Packages

8. The Class Path

9. Documentation Comments

10. Class Design  Hints


1. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

  Object-oriented programming, or OOP for short, is the dominant(占主导位置的) programming paradigm these days.

  An object-oriented program is made of objects. Each object has a specific functionality, exposed to its users, and a hidden implementation. Many

objects in your programs will be taken “off-the-shelf”(下架) from a library; others will be custom-designed. Whether you build an object or buy it might

depend on your budget or on time. But, basically, as long as an object satisfies your specifications, you don’t care how the functionality is


  1.1 Classes

Chapter 4 Objects and Classes