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中序表达式 to 后序表达式


  • 《编程导论(Java)·5.5.2》的参考资料
  • 解释器模式中或许需要的工具


package intent.interpreter.calculator2;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Stack;
import tool.God;

public class Nothing{
    private static HashMap<Character,Integer> priority=new HashMap<Character,Integer>(){
            put('+', 1);
            put('-', 1);
            put('/', 2);
            put('*', 2);
            put('(', 0);
     * 将带有计算的优先级和括号的中序表达式inOrder变成符合前述文法的后序表达式

    static String inToPost(String inOrder) {
        Stack<Character> s = new Stack<>();
        String res = "";//postfix expression
        char temp ;//保存s.pop()
        char[] expr = inOrder.trim().toCharArray();
        for (char x :expr) {
            if ( !isOperator(x) && ( x!='(' ) && ( x!=')') ) {
                res = res + x;
            }else if (x=='(') {
            }else if (x==')') {//输出栈中的右操作符直到取出(。
                temp =  s.pop();
                while (temp!='(') {
                    res = res + temp;
                    temp =  s.pop();
                temp = '\0';
            }else if (isOperator(x)) {//与栈顶操作符比较优先级
                if (!s.isEmpty()) {
                    temp = s.pop();                   
                    int prio1 = priority.get(temp);
                    int prio2 = priority.get(x);
                    while ( prio1 >= prio2 ) {
                        res = res + temp;
                        prio1 = -1;
                        if (!s.isEmpty()) {
                            temp =  s.pop();
                            prio1 = priority.get(temp);
                    if ((prio1 < prio2) && (prio1 != -1)){
        }// end for
        while (!s.isEmpty() ) {
            temp = s.pop();
            res = res + temp;
        return res;
    static boolean isOperator(char c) {
        return c=='+'||c=='-'||c=='*'||c=='/';
    static void test(){
        String inOrder = "a+b*c-d";
        inOrder= (String)God.getValue("expression");  
        System.out.println(" inOrder = "+inOrder);
        System.out.println(" postOrder = "+inToPost(inOrder));
 inOrder = a+b*c-d
 postOrder = abc*+d-
 inOrder = (a+b)*(c-d)
 postOrder = ab+cd-*
 inOrder = a+b/c*(c-d)
 postOrder = abc/cd-*+


#intent.interpreter.calculator2. Alph ={a|b|c|d}.Op={*|+|-}

#expression = (a+b)*(c-d)
#expression =a+b*c-d
expression = a+b/c*(c-d)

中序表达式 to 后序表达式