首页 > 代码库 > 当各种语言集中到一个人,脑子有些乱套 1

当各种语言集中到一个人,脑子有些乱套 1

   // Call this function AFTER operation.

        public void NewState(GraphicsList graphicsList)


            // Keep objects state after operation.

            listAfter = new List<DrawObject>();

            afterZoomRate = new List<PointF>();

            DrawObject newO = null;

            bool bValid = false;

            foreach (DrawObject o in graphicsList.graphicsList)




                    //afterZoomRate.X = o.ObjectZoomRate.X;

                    //afterZoomRate.Y = o.ObjectZoomRate.Y;

                    afterZoomRate.Add(new PointF(o.ObjectZoomRate.X, o.ObjectZoomRate.Y));

                    bValid = true;



                if (o.ObjectType == (int)DrawArea.DrawToolType.Line)




                else if (o.ObjectType == (int)DrawArea.DrawToolType.PolyLine)



                    newO = new DrawPolyLine(((DrawPolyLine)o).pointArray[0].X, ((DrawPolyLine)o).pointArray[0].Y);

                    int num = 0;


                    foreach (PointF point in ((DrawPolyLine)o).pointArray.ToArray())


                        if (num >= 1)







                    newO.ID = o.ID;

                    newO.ObjectType = o.ObjectType;


                    newO.ObjectZoomRate = o.ObjectZoomRate;

                    newO.ObjectDragOffset = o.ObjectDragOffset;


                    //当ì?à多¨¤段?线?时o?à,List<T>指?向¨°内¨2存?? 当ì?à内¨2存??发¤?é生|¨2变à?化?¥则¨°跟¨2随?之?变à?化?¥ 导ì?致?无T法¤?§撤?¤销¨2恢?复??上|?一°?个?状á??态??







        public override void Undo(GraphicsList list)



            foreach (DrawObject o in listBefore )


                list.Add(o.Clone());// o   /o.Clone()







        public override void Redo(GraphicsList list)



            foreach (DrawObject o in listAfter)


                list.Add(o.Clone());//o.Clone()  o







        // Replace objects in graphicsList with objects from list

        private void UndoObjects(GraphicsList graphicsList)


            for (int i = 0; i < graphicsList.Count; i++)


                DrawObject replacement = null;


                foreach (DrawObject o in listBefore)


                    if (o.ID == graphicsList[i].ID)


                        replacement = o;


                        graphicsList.Replace(i, replacement);



                   /* else


                        o.Resize(beforeZoomRate, o.ObjectZoomRate.X);







        // Replace objects in graphicsList with objects from list

        private void RedoObjects(GraphicsList graphicsList)


            for (int i = 0; i < graphicsList.Count; i++)


                DrawObject replacement = null;


                foreach (DrawObject o in listAfter)


                    if (o.ID == graphicsList[i].ID)


                        replacement = o;


                        graphicsList.Replace(i, replacement);



                   /* else


                        o.Resize(afterZoomRate, o.ObjectZoomRate.X);















using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Data;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Windows.Forms;


namespace CSharp


    public partial class AdminForm : Form


        MainForm parentform = new MainForm();

        public AdminForm(MainForm parent)



            parentform = parent;



        public float GetMergeDis()


           return (float)(Convert.ToDouble(mergeDistextBox.Text));



        public float GetSplitDis()












当各种语言集中到一个人,脑子有些乱套 1