首页 > 代码库 > Arduino 串口输出LM35温度

Arduino 串口输出LM35温度

#include "stdlib.h"
float temp = 0.0;
float maxtemp = 0.0;
float mintemp =100.0;

// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:
void setup() {
Serial.println(F("reading temperature begin. \n")); 


// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {
  static unsigned long sensortStamp = 0;
  if(millis() - sensortStamp > 1000){
    sensortStamp = millis();
    // read the LM35 sensor value and convert to the degrees every 100ms.
    int reading = analogRead(0); //把LM35的输出端连接到了A0,所以这里是analogRead(0)
    temp = reading *0.0048828125*100;
    if(temp >= maxtemp)
      maxtemp = temp;
    if(temp <= mintemp)
       mintemp = temp;
    Serial.print(F("Real Time Temp: ")); 
    Serial.print(F(" Max Temp: ")); 
    Serial.print(F("  Min Temp: ")); 


Arduino 串口输出LM35温度