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PHP Smarty template for website

/****************************************************************************** *                        PHP Smarty template for website * 说明: *     之前一直在想将MVC的方式加在PHP做的网站上,这样比较好处理,相对来说比较好 * 处理,这样后续维护会比较好。 * *                                         2017-3-12 深圳 南山平山村 曾剑锋 *****************************************************************************/一、参考文档:    1. Smarty教程        http://www.yiibai.com/smarty/    2. smarty template engine        http://www.smarty.net/    3. Parsing JSON file with PHP         http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4343596/parsing-json-file-with-php二、Smarty Download:    1. gz file: https://github.com/smarty-php/smarty/archive/v3.1.30.tar.gz    2. zip file: https://github.com/smarty-php/smarty/archive/v3.1.30.zip    三、配置:    1. 使用相对路径加入当前项目;    2. 使用require_once(<path to Smarty.class.php>):        <?php        // NOTE: Smarty has a capital ‘S‘        require_once(<path to Smarty.class.php);        $smarty = new Smarty();        ?>    3. template文件后缀名: <file name>.tpl    4. 注释:        {* comments *}    5. 赋值变量:        $smarty->assign(name,Ned);    6. 处理模板:        $smarty->display(index.tpl);    7. 打开debug模式:        $smarty->debugging = true;    8. 继承class smarty,扩展功能:        <?php        // load Smarty library        require(Smarty.class.php);        // The setup.php file is a good place to load        // required application library files, and you        // can do that right here. An example:        // require(‘guestbook/guestbook.lib.php‘);        class Smarty_GuestBook extends Smarty {           function __construct()           {                // Class Constructor.                // These automatically get set with each new instance.                parent::__construct();                $this->setTemplateDir(/web/www.example.com/guestbook/templates/);                $this->setCompileDir(/web/www.example.com/guestbook/templates_c/);                $this->setConfigDir(/web/www.example.com/guestbook/configs/);                $this->setCacheDir(/web/www.example.com/guestbook/cache/);                $this->caching = Smarty::CACHING_LIFETIME_CURRENT;                $this->assign(app_name, Guest Book);           }        }        ?>    9. 继承使用:        <?php        require(guestbook/setup.php);        $smarty = new Smarty_GuestBook();        $smarty->assign(name,Ned);        $smarty->display(index.tpl);        ?>    10. 解析JSON文件当配置文件,将数据放入smarty对象中,这样就好配置了。


PHP Smarty template for website