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《软件测试自动化之道》读书笔记 之 基于反射的UI测试

《软件测试自动化之道》读书笔记 之 基于反射的UI测试






  • 通过某种方式从测试套件程序中运行待测程序(AUT: Applicaton Under Test),以便于两个程序之间进行通信
  • 操纵应用程序的窗体,从而模拟用户对窗体所实施的moving和resizing操作
  • 检查应用程序窗体,确定应用程序的状态是否准确
  • 操纵应用程序控件的属性,从而模拟用户的一些操作,比如模拟在一个TextBox控件里输入字符
  • 检查应用程序控件的属性,确定应用程序的状态是否准确
  • 调用应用程序的方法,从而模拟一些用户操作,比如模拟单击一个按钮




图1 待测程序GUI


 1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.ComponentModel; 4 using System.Data; 5 using System.Drawing; 6 using System.Linq; 7 using System.Text; 8 using System.Windows.Forms; 9 10 namespace AUT11 {12     public partial class Form1 : Form13     {14         public Form1()15         {16             InitializeComponent();17         }18 19         private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)20         {21             string tb = textBox1.Text;22             string cb = comboBox1.Text;23 24             if (tb == cb)25                 listBox1.Items.Add("Result is a tie");26             else if (tb == "paper" && cb == "rock" || tb == "rock" && cb == "scissors" || tb == "scissors" && cb == "paper")27                 listBox1.Items.Add("The TextBox wins");28             else29                 listBox1.Items.Add("the ComboBox wins");30         }31 32         private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)33         {34             this.textBox1.Text = this.comboBox1.Items[1].ToString();35             this.comboBox1.Text = this.comboBox1.Items[0].ToString();36         }37 38         private void menuItem2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)39         {40             this.Close();41         }42     }43 }
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 1 using System; 2  3 using System.Reflection; 4 using System.Windows.Forms; 5 using System.Threading; 6  7  8         static void Main(string[] args) 9         {10                 string formName = "AUT.Form1";11                 string path = "..\\..\\..\\AUT\\bin\\Debug\\AUT.exe";12                 theForm = LaunchApp(path, formName);13 14                 //...15         } 16 17         static Form LaunchApp(string path, string formName)18         {19             Form result = null;20             Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFrom(path);21             Type t = a.GetType(formName);22             result = (Form)a.CreateInstance(t.FullName);23             AppState aps = new AppState(result);24             ThreadStart ts = new ThreadStart(aps.RunApp);25             Thread thread = new Thread(ts);26             thread.Start();27             return result;28         }29 30         private class AppState31         {32             public readonly Form formToRun;33             public AppState(Form f)34             {35                 this.formToRun = f;36             }37             public void RunApp()38             {39                 Application.Run(formToRun);40             }41         }
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 1         static void Main(string[] args) 2         { 3                 //... 4                 //移动窗体到指定位置 5                 SetFormPropertyValue(theForm, "Location", pt); 6                 //... 7         } 8  9         delegate void SetFormPropertyValueHandler(Form f, string propertyName, object newValue);10         static void SetFormPropertyValue(Form f, string propertyName, object newValue)11         {12             //true if the control‘s System.Windows.Forms.Control.Handle was created on13             //     a different thread than the calling thread14             if (f.InvokeRequired)15             {16                 Delegate d = new SetFormPropertyValueHandler(SetFormPropertyValue);17                 object[] o = new object[] { f, propertyName, newValue };18                 f.Invoke(d, o);19                 are.WaitOne();20             }21             else22             {23                 Type t = f.GetType();24                 PropertyInfo pi = t.GetProperty(propertyName);25                 pi.SetValue(f, newValue, null);26                 are.Set();27             }28         }
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问题1:如果在测试程序中直接调用PropertyInfo.SetValue()会抛错:"Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation."。这是因为,不是在窗体的主线程里调用,而是在自动化测试程序所创建的一个线程里调用。因此,我们用Form.Invoke()方法以间接的方式调用SetValue。间接的方式调用,就是用delegate对象调用SetValue()。见如下代码:

1                 Delegate d = new SetFormPropertyValueHandler(SetFormPropertyValue);2                 object[] o = new object[] { f, propertyName, newValue };3                 //f type is Form, in this case, is instance of AUT.Form14                 f.Invoke(d, o);
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1         //在类的作用域内定义如下对象,false参数意味着把这个对象出示初始化为未设置2         static AutoResetEvent are = new AutoResetEvent(false);3 4         //这个语句把AutoResetEvent对象的值设为未设置,当前线程暂停执行,直到are.Set()语句把AutoResetEvent对象的值设为已设置5      are.WaitOne()
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 1         delegate object GetFormPropertyValueHandler(Form f, string propertyName); 2         static object GetFormPropertyValue(Form f, string propertyName) 3         { 4             if (f.InvokeRequired) 5             { 6                 Delegate d = new SetFormPropertyValueHandler(SetFormPropertyValue); 7                 object[] o = new object[] { f, propertyName }; 8                 object iResult = f.Invoke(d, o); 9                 are.WaitOne();10                 return iResult;11             }12             else13             {14                 Type t = f.GetType();15                 PropertyInfo pi = t.GetProperty(propertyName);16                 object gResult = pi.GetValue(f, null);17                 are.Set();18                 return gResult;19             }20         }
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 1         static void Main(string[] args) 2         { 3                 //... 4                 SetControlPropertyValue(theForm, "textBox1", "Text", "rock"); 5                 //... 6         } 7  8         delegate void SetControlPropertyValueHandler(Form f, string controlName, string propertyName, object newValue); 9         static void SetControlPropertyValue(Form f, string controlName, string propertyName, object newValue)10         {11             if (f.InvokeRequired)12             {13                 Delegate d = new SetControlPropertyValueHandler(SetControlPropertyValue);14                 object[] o = new object[] { f, controlName, propertyName, newValue };15                 f.Invoke(d, o);16                 are.WaitOne();17             }18             else19             {20                 Type t1 = f.GetType();21                 FieldInfo fi = t1.GetField(controlName, flags);22                 object ctrl = fi.GetValue(f);23                 Type t2 = ctrl.GetType();24                 PropertyInfo pi = t2.GetProperty(propertyName);25                 pi.SetValue(ctrl, newValue, null);26                 are.Set();27             }28         }
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        static BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public |                                    BindingFlags.NonPublic |                                    BindingFlags.Static |                                    BindingFlags.Instance;



 1         static void Main(string[] args) 2         { 3                 //... 4                 ListBox.ObjectCollection oc = (ListBox.ObjectCollection)GetControlPropertyValue(theForm, "listBox1", "Items"); 5                 string s = oc[0].ToString(); 6                 if (s.IndexOf("TextBox wins") == -1) 7                     pass = false; 8                 //... 9         }10 11         delegate object GetControlPropertyValueHandler(Form f, string controlName, string propertyName);12         static object GetControlPropertyValue(Form f, string controlName, string propertyName)13         {14             if (f.InvokeRequired)15             {16                 Delegate d = new GetControlPropertyValueHandler(GetControlPropertyValue);17                 object[] o = new object[] { f, controlName, propertyName };18                 object iResult = f.Invoke(d, o);19                 are.WaitOne();20                 return iResult;21             }22             else23             {24                 Type t1 = f.GetType();25                 FieldInfo fi = t1.GetField(controlName, flags);26                 object ctrl = fi.GetValue(f);27                 Type t2 = ctrl.GetType();28                 PropertyInfo pi = t2.GetProperty(propertyName);29                 object gResult = pi.GetValue(ctrl, null);30                 are.Set();31                 return gResult;32             }
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 1         static void Main(string[] args) 2         { 3                 //... 4                 object[] parms = new object[] { null, EventArgs.Empty }; 5                 InvokeMethod(theForm, "button1_Click", parms); 6                 //... 7         } 8  9         delegate void InvokeMethodHandler(Form f, string methodName, params object[] parms);10         static void InvokeMethod(Form f, string methodName, params object[] parms)11         {12             if (f.InvokeRequired)13             {14                 Delegate d = new InvokeMethodHandler(InvokeMethod);15                 f.Invoke(d, new object[] { f, methodName, parms });16                 are.WaitOne();17             }18             else19             {20                 Type t = f.GetType();21                 MethodInfo mi = t.GetMethod(methodName, flags);22                 mi.Invoke(f, parms);23                 are.Set();24             }25         }
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  1 // Chapter 2 - Reflection-Based UI Testing  2 // Example Program: ReflectionUITest  3   4 using System;  5 using System.Reflection;  6 using System.Windows.Forms;  7 using System.Threading;  8 using System.Drawing;  9  10 namespace ReflectionUITest 11 { 12     class Class1 13     { 14         static BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | 15                                     BindingFlags.NonPublic | 16                                     BindingFlags.Static | 17                                     BindingFlags.Instance; 18         static AutoResetEvent are = new AutoResetEvent(false); 19  20         [STAThread] 21         static void Main(string[] args) 22         { 23             try 24             { 25                 Console.WriteLine("\nStarting test scenario"); 26                 Console.WriteLine("\nLaunching Form1"); 27                 Form theForm = null; 28                 string formName = "AUT.Form1"; 29                 string path = "..\\..\\..\\AUT\\bin\\Debug\\AUT.exe"; 30                 theForm = LaunchApp(path, formName); 31  32                 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); 33  34                 Console.WriteLine("\nMoving Form1"); 35                 Point pt = new Point(320, 100); 36                 SetFormPropertyValue(theForm, "Location", pt); 37  38                 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); 39  40                 Console.WriteLine("\nSetting textBox1 to ‘rock‘"); 41                 SetControlPropertyValue(theForm, "textBox1", "Text", "rock"); 42                 Console.WriteLine("Setting comboBox1 to ‘scissors‘"); 43                 SetControlPropertyValue(theForm, "comboBox1", "Text", "scissors"); 44  45                 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); 46  47                 Console.WriteLine("\nClicking button1"); 48                 object[] parms = new object[] { null, EventArgs.Empty }; 49                 InvokeMethod(theForm, "button1_Click", parms); 50  51                 bool pass = true; 52  53                 Console.WriteLine("\nChecking listBox1 for ‘TextBox wins‘"); 54                 ListBox.ObjectCollection oc = (ListBox.ObjectCollection)GetControlPropertyValue(theForm, "listBox1", "Items"); 55                 string s = oc[0].ToString(); 56                 if (s.IndexOf("TextBox wins") == -1) 57                     pass = false; 58  59                 if (pass) 60                     Console.WriteLine("\n-- Scenario result = Pass --"); 61                 else 62                     Console.WriteLine("\n-- Scenario result = *FAIL* --"); 63  64                 Console.WriteLine("\nClicking File->Exit in 3 seconds"); 65                 Thread.Sleep(3000); 66                 InvokeMethod(theForm, "menuItem2_Click", parms); 67  68                 Console.WriteLine("\nEnd test scenario"); 69             } 70             catch (Exception ex) 71             { 72                 Console.WriteLine("Fatal error: " + ex.Message); 73             } 74             Console.Read(); 75         } // Main() 76  77         static Form LaunchApp(string path, string formName) 78         { 79             Form result = null; 80             Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFrom(path); 81             Type t = a.GetType(formName); 82             result = (Form)a.CreateInstance(t.FullName); 83             AppState aps = new AppState(result); 84             ThreadStart ts = new ThreadStart(aps.RunApp); 85             Thread thread = new Thread(ts); 86             thread.Start(); 87             return result; 88         } 89         private class AppState 90         { 91             public readonly Form formToRun; 92             public AppState(Form f) 93             { 94                 this.formToRun = f; 95             } 96             public void RunApp() 97             { 98                 Application.Run(formToRun); 99             }100         } // class AppState101 102         delegate void SetFormPropertyValueHandler(Form f, string propertyName, object newValue);103         static void SetFormPropertyValue(Form f, string propertyName, object newValue)104         {105             //true if the control‘s System.Windows.Forms.Control.Handle was created on106             //     a different thread than the calling thread107             if (f.InvokeRequired)108             {109                 Delegate d = new SetFormPropertyValueHandler(SetFormPropertyValue);110                 object[] o = new object[] { f, propertyName, newValue };111                 //f type is Form, in this case, is instance of AUT.Form1112                 f.Invoke(d, o);113                 are.WaitOne();114             }115             else116             {117                 Type t = f.GetType();118                 PropertyInfo pi = t.GetProperty(propertyName);119                 pi.SetValue(f, newValue, null);120                 are.Set();121             }122         }123 124         delegate object GetFormPropertyValueHandler(Form f, string propertyName);125         static object GetFormPropertyValue(Form f, string propertyName)126         {127             if (f.InvokeRequired)128             {129                 Delegate d = new SetFormPropertyValueHandler(SetFormPropertyValue);130                 object[] o = new object[] { f, propertyName };131                 object iResult = f.Invoke(d, o);132                 are.WaitOne();133                 return iResult;134             }135             else136             {137                 Type t = f.GetType();138                 PropertyInfo pi = t.GetProperty(propertyName);139                 object gResult = pi.GetValue(f, null);140                 are.Set();141                 return gResult;142             }143         }144 145         delegate void SetControlPropertyValueHandler(Form f, string controlName, string propertyName, object newValue);146         static void SetControlPropertyValue(Form f, string controlName, string propertyName, object newValue)147         {148             if (f.InvokeRequired)149             {150                 Delegate d = new SetControlPropertyValueHandler(SetControlPropertyValue);151                 object[] o = new object[] { f, controlName, propertyName, newValue };152                 f.Invoke(d, o);153                 are.WaitOne();154             }155             else156             {157                 Type t1 = f.GetType();158                 FieldInfo fi = t1.GetField(controlName, flags);159                 object ctrl = fi.GetValue(f);160                 Type t2 = ctrl.GetType();161                 PropertyInfo pi = t2.GetProperty(propertyName);162                 pi.SetValue(ctrl, newValue, null);163                 are.Set();164             }165         }166 167         delegate void InvokeMethodHandler(Form f, string methodName, params object[] parms);168         static void InvokeMethod(Form f, string methodName, params object[] parms)169         {170             if (f.InvokeRequired)171             {172                 Delegate d = new InvokeMethodHandler(InvokeMethod);173                 f.Invoke(d, new object[] { f, methodName, parms });174                 are.WaitOne();175             }176             else177             {178                 Type t = f.GetType();179                 MethodInfo mi = t.GetMethod(methodName, flags);180                 mi.Invoke(f, parms);181                 are.Set();182             }183         }184 185         delegate object GetControlPropertyValueHandler(Form f, string controlName, string propertyName);186         static object GetControlPropertyValue(Form f, string controlName, string propertyName)187         {188             if (f.InvokeRequired)189             {190                 Delegate d = new GetControlPropertyValueHandler(GetControlPropertyValue);191                 object[] o = new object[] { f, controlName, propertyName };192                 object iResult = f.Invoke(d, o);193                 are.WaitOne();194                 return iResult;195             }196             else197             {198                 Type t1 = f.GetType();199                 FieldInfo fi = t1.GetField(controlName, flags);200                 object ctrl = fi.GetValue(f);201                 Type t2 = ctrl.GetType();202                 PropertyInfo pi = t2.GetProperty(propertyName);203                 object gResult = pi.GetValue(ctrl, null);204                 are.Set();205                 return gResult;206             }207         }208     } // Class1209 } // ns
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图2 测试结果

《软件测试自动化之道》读书笔记 之 基于反射的UI测试