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数据结构与算法分析 3.23 — 用一个数组实现三个(多个)栈







    Capacity: 数组的容量;

    Size: 数组已经存储的数据元素个数;



struct Node;typedef struct Node ElementType;typedef struct StackRecord * Stack;struct Node{    Type Key;    int Pre;};struct StackRecord{    int Capacity;    int Size;    int Top_Fst;    int Top_Snd;    int Top_Trd;    ElementType *Array;};Stack CreateStack( int MaxElements );int IsEmpty_Fst( Stack S );int IsFull( Stack S );void Push_Fst( Type Key, Stack S );Type Pop_Fst( Stack S );void MakeEmpty( Stack S );void DisposeStack( Stack S );Stack CreateStack( int MaxElements ){    Stack S;    S = (Stack)malloc( sizeof(struct StackRecord) );    if ( S == NULL )    {        printf( "Out of space" );        return NULL;    }    S->Array = (ElementType *)malloc( sizeof(ElementType) * MaxElements );    if ( S->Array == NULL )    {        printf( "Out of space" );        return NULL;    }    S->Capacity = MaxElements;    MakeEmpty(S);    return S;}int IsEmpty_Fst( Stack S ){    return S->Top_Fst == -1;}int IsFull( Stack S ){    return S->Size == S->Capacity;}void MakeEmpty( Stack S ){    if ( S != NULL )    {        S->Size =0;        S->Top_Fst = -1;        S->Top_Snd = -1;        S->Top_Trd = -1;    }}void Push_Fst( Type Key, Stack S ){    int TmpCell;    if ( IsFull(S) )        printf( "Stack is full" );    else    {        TmpCell = S->Top_Fst;        S->Top_Fst = S->Size;        S->Array[S->Top_Fst].Key = Key;        S->Array[S->Top_Fst].Pre = TmpCell;        S->Size++;    }}Type Pop_Fst( Stack S ){    int TmpCell;    if ( IsEmpty_Fst(S) )        printf( "Stack is empty" );    else    {        TmpCell = S->Top_Fst;        S->Top_Fst = S->Array[TmpCell].Pre;        S->Size--;    }    return S->Array[TmpCell].Key;}void DisposeStack( Stack S ){    if ( S != NULL )    {        free( S->Array );        free( S );    }}


数据结构与算法分析 3.23 — 用一个数组实现三个(多个)栈