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Exercises - Kangaroo

Write a definition for a class named Kangaroo with the following methods:

  • An __init__ method that initializes an attribute named pouch_contents to an empty list
  • A method named put_in_pouch that takes an object of any type and adds it to pouch_contents.
class Kangaroo:    """ attributes: pouch_contents"""    def __init__(self):        self.pouch_contents = list()    def __str__(self):        temp = ‘‘        for s in self.pouch_contents:            temp+=str(s)+ \n        return temp    def put_in_pouch(self,obj):        self.pouch_contents.append(obj)            k = Kangaroo()k.put_in_pouch(1)k.put_in_pouch(1.0)k.put_in_pouch(hello sun)k.put_in_pouch((1,2,3))k1 = Kangaroo()k1.put_in_pouch([1,2,3])k1.put_in_pouch({1:sun,2:yu})k1.put_in_pouch(this is k1)

from Thinking in Python

Exercises - Kangaroo