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RedMine Email notifications configure for MS Exchange

Boss需要用到RedMine(project management) open source.

由于不熟悉MS的SMTP服务,BOSS说他配好了,然后配置到Email notification时候,遭遇到 “redmine An error occurred while sending mail (550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for *.com )”,找到一篇文章 这里 ,里面谈到,应该是本地的SMTP服务没设置到,解决方案在这里 ,原来要设置本机的ip能够access SMTP服务才可以,明显,被老板坑了。

BOSS还在SMTP里面设置了所有的邮件Forward到公司的Email Server,所以RedMine不需要配置密码了,所以/config/configuration 是这样的:

default:  email_delivery:    delivery_method: :smtp    smtp_settings:      address: your_email_server.com      port: 25      domain: your_domain.com      authentication: :none      enable_starttls_auto: false      openssl_verify_mode: none


enable_starttls_auto: falseopenssl_verify_mode: ‘none‘

是关键配置,不然会报 “An error occurred while sending mail (hostname does not match the server certificate)”的错误。

RedMine Email notifications configure for MS Exchange