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LCKSVD  Label Consistent K-SVD: Learning A Discriminative Dictionary for Recognition   http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/~zhuolin/projectlcksvd.html 

  • The source code for submodular reranking for retrieval is released now! [project page]
  • One paper is accepted by NIPS 2014
  • One paper is accepted by ACCV 2014 as an oral paper
  • One paper is accepted by CVPR 2014
  • The source code for incremental dictionary learning is released now! [project page]
  • One paper is accepted by WACV 2014
  • One paper is accepted by ICCV 2013
  • One paper is accepted by BMVC 2013
  • The source code for submodular dictionary learning is released now! [project page]
  • One paper is accepted by TPAMI
  • Three papers are accepted by CVPR 2013
  • Our paper won the Best Student Paper Award at the ACCV 2012 conference
  • Two papers are accepted by ACCV 2012 (one oral, one poster)
  • The source code for MMI is released now! [project page]
  • The source code for LC-KSVD is released now! [project page]



