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FireMonkey 源码学习(5)



procedure TTextLayoutNG.UpdateCharRec(const ACanvas: TCanvas; NeedBitmap: Boolean; var NewRec: PCharRec;  HasItem: Boolean; const CharDic: TCharDic; const AFont: TFont; const Ch: UCS4Char; const NeedPath: Boolean = False);var  Map: TBitmapData;  J: Integer;  Bitmap: TBitmap;  LFont: TFont;  GlyphSettings: TFontGlyphSettings;begin  {    新建一个记录,或释放原记录中的图形对象  }  if not HasItem then    New(NewRec)  else  begin    FreeAndNil(NewRec.Glyph);    FreeAndNil(NewRec.Bitmap);  end;    {    如果指定了字体则使用之,否则使用缺省字体  }  if not Assigned(AFont) then    LFont := Self.Font  else    LFont := AFont;  {    使用Bitmap形式存储,或使用Path存储渲染过程  }  GlyphSettings := [];  if NeedBitmap then    GlyphSettings := [TFontGlyphSetting.Bitmap, TFontGlyphSetting.PremultipliedAlpha];  if NeedPath then    GlyphSettings := GlyphSettings + [TFontGlyphSetting.Path];  {    在TFontGlyphManager中使用当前的FontGlyph生成缺省图形  }  NewRec.Glyph := TFontGlyphManager.Current.GetGlyph(Ch, LFont, FScale, GlyphSettings);  {    计算基准线的位置  }  CharDic.Baseline := TFontGlyphManager.Current.GetBaseline(LFont, FScale);  {    如果采用图形模式,则生成之  }  if not (TFontGlyphStyle.NoGlyph in NewRec.Glyph.Style) and Assigned(NewRec.Glyph.Bitmap) and (NewRec.Glyph.Bitmap.Width > 0) and (NewRec.Glyph.Bitmap.Height > 0) then  begin    {      采用图形渲染模式,生成Bitmap    }    if FRendering > 0 then    begin      Bitmap := TBitmap.Create(NewRec.Glyph.Bitmap.Width + AntiAliasMargin * 2, NewRec.Glyph.Bitmap.Height + AntiAliasMargin * 2);      Bitmap.BitmapScale := FScale;      {        将Glyph中的图形复制到Bitmap中      }      if Bitmap.Map(TMapAccess.Write, Map) then      try
        FillChar(Map.Data^, Map.Pitch * Map.Height, 0);        NewRec.Bitmap := Bitmap;        NewRec.SrcRect := RectF(0, 0, NewRec.Glyph.Bitmap.Width, NewRec.Glyph.Bitmap.Height);        NewRec.SrcRect.Offset(AntiAliasMargin, AntiAliasMargin);        for J := 0 to NewRec.Glyph.Bitmap.Height - 1 do          Move(NewRec.Glyph.Bitmap.Scanline[J]^, Map.GetPixelAddr(AntiAliasMargin, J + AntiAliasMargin)^, NewRec.Glyph.Bitmap.Pitch);      finally        Bitmap.Unmap(Map);      end;      {        构建图形列表,并将其放入      }      if not Assigned(FNewGlyphList) then        FNewGlyphList := TList<PCharRec>.Create;      FNewGlyphList.Add(NewRec);    end    else      {        直接将Glyph映射到Bitmap中      }      MapGlyphToCache(NewRec);  end  else  {    采用Path模式  }  begin    NewRec.Bitmap := nil;    NewRec.SrcRect := RectF(0, 0, 0, 0);  end;    {    加入到列表中  }  if not HasItem then    CharDic.Add(Ch, NewRec);end;


