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[GodLove]Wine93 Tarining Round #4

比赛链接: http://acm.hust.edu.cn/vjudge/contest/view.action?cid=44903#overview

题目来源: 2011 Asia ChengDu Regional Contest

Wine93有话说: 爆0, oh-year!



  ID Origin Title
  13 / 118 Problem A HDU 4111 Alice and Bob
137 / 358 Problem B HDU 4112 Break the Chocolate
    Problem C HDU 4113 Construct the Great Wall
  21 / 100 Problem D HDU 4114 Disney‘s FastPass
  47 / 134 Problem E HDU 4115 Eliminate the Conflict
  8 / 78 Problem F HDU 4116 Fruit Ninja
  5 / 68 Problem G HDU 4117 GRE Words
  82 / 220 Problem H HDU 4118 Holiday‘s Accommodation
  91 / 391 Problem I HDU 4119 Isabella‘s Message
  1 / 107 Problem J HDU 4120 Ji-Tu Problem