首页 > 代码库 > JS实现一个基本的打地鼠游戏



因为功能比较简单就直接裸奔JS了,先看看效果图,或者 在线玩玩 吧 







挺简单,用9个 li 标签代表坑,用9个 div 标签代表老鼠

  <div class="container">        <h4>无聊打打地鼠</h4>        <div class="game-top">            <p><input type="button" value="开始游戏" id="game-start"><p>            <p>得分:<span id="game-score">0</span></p>            <p>剩余时间:<span id="game-time">60</span> s</p>        </div>        <div class="game-content">            <ul>                <li><div></div></li>                <li><div></div></li>                <li><div></div></li>                <li><div></div></li>                <li><div></div></li>                <li><div></div></li>                <li><div></div></li>                <li><div></div></li>                <li><div></div></li>            </ul>        </div>    </div>



对于坑,加个box-shadow: ... inset 美化一下样式

        .game-content li {            float: left;            margin-top: 50px;            margin-left: 30px;            width: 100px;            height: 50px;            border-radius: 50%;            background-color: #67d0b4;            box-shadow: 0 0 50px #706565 inset;        }

对于老鼠,用 border-radius:50%/40% 绘制,第二个参数还是有点使用价值的

        .game-content div {            position: relative;            margin-top: -15px;            margin-left: 25px;            width: 50px;            height: 70px;            border-radius: 50%/40%;            background-color: #dfb25d;            opacity: 0;        }


        @keyframes mouse-move {            50% {                margin-top: -40px;                opacity: 1;            }            100% {                margin-top: -15px;                opacity: 0;            }        }        .game-content div.active {            animation: mouse-move 2s ease-in-out infinite;        }

注意 animation: ... infinite 的使用,让动画能一直进行下去,我们使用JS控制好时间差判断应该显示那个老鼠,应该显示多少只老鼠即可


 1         <style type="text/css"> 2         .container { 3             width: 500px; 4             height: 300px; 5             margin: 50px auto; 6             border: 1px solid #ddd; 7             text-align: center; 8         } 9         .game-top {10             padding-top: 10px;11             width: 100%;12             height: 90px;13         }14         .game-top p {15             margin: 5px;16         }17         .game-content {18             overflow: auto;19             width: 100%;20             border-top: 1px solid #ddd;21             background-color: #ddf;22         }23         .game-content ul {24             list-style: none;25         }26         .game-content li {27             float: left;28             margin-top: 50px;29             margin-left: 30px;30             width: 100px;31             height: 50px;32             border-radius: 50%;33             background-color: #67d0b4;34             box-shadow: 0 0 50px #706565 inset;35         }36         .game-content li:last-child {37             margin-bottom: 50px;38         }39         .game-content div {40             position: relative;41             margin-top: -15px;42             margin-left: 25px;43             width: 50px;44             height: 70px;45             border-radius: 50%/40%;46             background-color: #dfb25d;47             opacity: 0;48         }49         .game-content div.good {50             background-color: #dfb25d;51         }52         .game-content div.bad {53             background-color: #a48f5c;54         }55         @keyframes mouse-move {56             50% {57                 margin-top: -40px;58                 opacity: 1;59             }60             100% {61                 margin-top: -15px;62                 opacity: 0;63             }64         }65         .game-content div.active {66             animation: mouse-move 2s ease-in-out infinite;67         }68     </style>





            // 运动操作            moveUpAndDown: function() {                var that = this;                // 定时器随机定义good|bad老鼠个数,以及需要显示的个数                that.moveTime = setInterval(function() {                    for (var i = 0, j = that.mouses.length; i < j; ++i) {                        that.mouses[i].setAttribute(‘clicked‘, ‘0‘);                        that.mouses[i].className = ‘good active‘;                        that.mouses[i].style.display = ‘none‘;                    }                    // bad 的个数                    for (var i = 0; i < that.getRandom(0, 8); i++) {                        that.mouses[that.getRandom(0, 8)].className = ‘bad active‘;                    }                    // 要显示的个数                    for (var i = 0; i < that.getRandom(0, 8); i++) {                        that.mouses[that.getRandom(0, 8)].style.display = ‘block‘;                    }                }, 2000);            },


设置class为good 即可定义出一只好老鼠,同理bad 为坏老鼠

在开始游戏,进行调用时,设置class为active 即可让老鼠运动起来


              // 打地鼠操作                that.mousesWrap[0].addEventListener(‘click‘, function(e) {                    e = e || window.event;                    var elem = e.target || e.srcElement;                    // 如果当前项被隐藏则不操作,多次点击只取第一次分数                    if (elem.style.display !== ‘block‘ || elem.getAttribute(‘clicked‘) === ‘1‘) {                        return;                    }                    // 扣分                    if (elem.className.indexOf(‘bad‘) !== -1) {                        that.score -= that.badScore;                    }                    // 加分                    else {                        that.score += that.goodScore;                    }                    elem.setAttribute(‘clicked‘, ‘1‘);                    that.text(that.gameScore[0], that.score);                }, false);

倒计时结束之后,清除两个计时器,同时将所有老鼠项display都设为none 即可(否则动画会一直循环展示出来)

            // 倒计时,当前剩余游戏时间            countDown: function() {                var that = this;                var t = setInterval(function() {                    that.text(that.gameTime[0], --that.totalTime);                    if (that.totalTime === 0) {                        clearInterval(t);                        clearInterval(that.moveTime);                        for (var i = 0, j = that.mouses.length; i < j; ++i) {                            that.mouses[i].style.display = ‘none‘;                        }                        alert(‘游戏结束,得分为:‘ + that.score);                    }                }, 1000);            },
  1     <script type="text/javascript">  2   3         function MouseGame() {  4             this.mousesWrap = this.$(‘.game-content‘);  5             this.mouses = this.$(‘.game-content div‘);  6             this.gameStart = this.$(‘#game-start‘);  7             this.gameTime = this.$(‘#game-time‘);  8             this.gameScore = this.$(‘#game-score‘);  9             this.goodScore = 100; 10             this.badScore = 50; 11  12             this.bindEvent(); 13         } 14  15         MouseGame.prototype = { 16             constructor: MouseGame, 17  18             /** 19              * 获取元素 20              * @param  {String} elem 元素的字符串标识 21              * @example 22              * $(‘div‘) | $(‘p.active‘) 23              * @return {NodeList}      获取的元素集 24              */ 25             $: function(elem) { 26                 return document.querySelectorAll(elem); 27             }, 28  29             /** 30              * 获取给定范围的随机数 31              * @param  {Number} from 起始 32              * @param  {Number} to   结束 33              * @return {Number}      随机数 34              */ 35             getRandom: function(from, to) { 36                 return Math.floor(Math.random() * (to - from + 1)) + from; 37             }, 38  39             /** 40              * 设置元素内容 41              * @param  {HTMLElement} elem 要设置的元素 42              * @param  {String} val  设置的内容 43              * @return {String}      设置好的内容|元素本身的内容 44              */ 45             text: function(elem, val) { 46                 if (elem.textContent) { 47                     return val !== undefined ? elem.textContent = val : elem.textContent; 48                 } else if (elem.innerText) { 49                     return val !== undefined ? elem.innerText = val : elem.innerText; 50                 } 51             }, 52  53             // 运动操作 54             moveUpAndDown: function() { 55                 var that = this; 56  57                 // 定时器随机定义good|bad老鼠个数,以及需要显示的个数 58                 that.moveTime = setInterval(function() { 59  60                     for (var i = 0, j = that.mouses.length; i < j; ++i) { 61                         that.mouses[i].setAttribute(‘clicked‘, ‘0‘); 62                         that.mouses[i].className = ‘good active‘; 63                         that.mouses[i].style.display = ‘none‘; 64                     } 65  66                     // bad 的个数 67                     for (var i = 0; i < that.getRandom(0, 8); i++) { 68                         that.mouses[that.getRandom(0, 8)].className = ‘bad active‘; 69                     } 70  71                     // 要显示的个数 72                     for (var i = 0; i < that.getRandom(0, 8); i++) { 73                         that.mouses[that.getRandom(0, 8)].style.display = ‘block‘; 74                     } 75                 }, 2000); 76             }, 77  78             // 打地鼠操作 79             bindEvent: function() { 80                 var that = this; 81  82                 // 监听游戏开始/重新开始 83                 that.gameStart[0].addEventListener(‘click‘, function() { 84                     that.startGame(); 85                 }, false); 86  87                 // 打地鼠操作 88                 that.mousesWrap[0].addEventListener(‘click‘, function(e) { 89                     e = e || window.event; 90                     var elem = e.target || e.srcElement; 91                     // 如果当前项被隐藏则不操作,多次点击只取第一次分数 92                     if (elem.style.display !== ‘block‘ || elem.getAttribute(‘clicked‘) === ‘1‘) { 93                         return; 94                     } 95                     // 扣分 96                     if (elem.className.indexOf(‘bad‘) !== -1) { 97                         that.score -= that.badScore; 98                     } 99                     // 加分100                     else {101                         that.score += that.goodScore;102                     }103 104                     elem.setAttribute(‘clicked‘, ‘1‘);105                     that.text(that.gameScore[0], that.score);106                 }, false);107             },108 109             // 倒计时,当前剩余游戏时间110             countDown: function() {111                 var that = this;112 113                 var t = setInterval(function() {114                     that.text(that.gameTime[0], --that.totalTime);115 116                     if (that.totalTime === 0) {117                         clearInterval(t);118                         clearInterval(that.moveTime);119 120                         for (var i = 0, j = that.mouses.length; i < j; ++i) {121                             that.mouses[i].style.display = ‘none‘;122                         }123 124                         alert(‘游戏结束,得分为:‘ + that.score);125                     }126                 }, 1000);127             },128 129             // 开始游戏130             startGame: function() {131                 this.score = 0;132                 this.totalTime = 60;133                 this.text(this.gameTime[0], this.totalTime);134                 this.text(this.gameScore[0], this.score);135 136                 this.countDown();137                 this.moveUpAndDown();138             }139         };140 141         new MouseGame();142     </script>



