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UVA 10004 Bicoloring



In 1976 the ``Four Color Map Theorem" was proven with the assistance of acomputer. This theorem states that every map can be colored using only fourcolors, in such a way that no region is colored using the same color as aneighbor region.

Here you are asked to solve a simpler similar problem. Youhave to decide whether a given arbitrary connected graph can be bicolored.That is, if one can assign colors (from a palette of two) to the nodes in sucha way that no two adjacent nodes have the same color. To simplify the problemyou can assume:

  • no node will have an edge to itself.
  • the graph is nondirected. That is, if a node a is said to be connectedto a nodeb, then you must assume that b is connected to a.
  • the graph will be strongly connected. That is, there will be at leastone path from any node to any other node.


The input consists of several test cases. Each test casestarts with a line containing the numbern (1 < n < 200) of differentnodes. The second line contains the number of edgesl. After this, l lineswill follow, each containing two numbers that specify an edge between the twonodes that they represent. A node in the graph will be labeled using a numbera ($0 \le a < n$).

An input with n = 0 will mark the end of the input and isnot to be processed.


You have to decide whether the input graph can bebicolored or not, and print it as shown below.

Sample Input 

0 1
1 2
2 0
0 1
0 2
0 3
0 4
0 5
0 6
0 7
0 8

Sample Output 




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