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HTC Vive开发笔记之手柄震动


// Example usage://这个栗子是左手柄震动 右手震动只需把Leftmost换成Rightmost即可//  var deviceIndex = SteamVR_Controller.GetDeviceIndex(SteamVR_Controller.DeviceRelation.Leftmost);//  if (deviceIndex != -1 && SteamVR_Controller.Input(deviceIndex).GetPressDown(SteamVR_Controller.ButtonMask.Trigger))//      SteamVR_Controller.Input(deviceIndex).TriggerHapticPulse(1000);////============================================================================= using UnityEngine;using Valve.VR; /// <summary>/// 手柄/// </summary>public class SteamVR_Controller{    //按钮    public class ButtonMask    {        public const ulong System           = (1ul << (int)EVRButtonId.k_EButton_System); // reserved 为Steam系统保留,用来调出Steam系统菜单        public const ulong ApplicationMenu  = (1ul << (int)EVRButtonId.k_EButton_ApplicationMenu);        public const ulong Grip             = (1ul << (int)EVRButtonId.k_EButton_Grip);        public const ulong Axis0            = (1ul << (int)EVRButtonId.k_EButton_Axis0);        public const ulong Axis1            = (1ul << (int)EVRButtonId.k_EButton_Axis1);        public const ulong Axis2            = (1ul << (int)EVRButtonId.k_EButton_Axis2);        public const ulong Axis3            = (1ul << (int)EVRButtonId.k_EButton_Axis3);        public const ulong Axis4            = (1ul << (int)EVRButtonId.k_EButton_Axis4);        public const ulong Touchpad         = (1ul << (int)EVRButtonId.k_EButton_SteamVR_Touchpad);        public const ulong Trigger          = (1ul << (int)EVRButtonId.k_EButton_SteamVR_Trigger);    }     //设备    public class Device    {        public Device(uint i) { index = i; }        public uint index { get; private set; }         public bool valid { get; private set; }        public bool connected { get { Update(); return pose.bDeviceIsConnected; } }        public bool hasTracking { get { Update(); return pose.bPoseIsValid; } }         public bool outOfRange { get { Update(); return pose.eTrackingResult == ETrackingResult.Running_OutOfRange || pose.eTrackingResult == ETrackingResult.Calibrating_OutOfRange; } }        public bool calibrating { get { Update(); return pose.eTrackingResult == ETrackingResult.Calibrating_InProgress || pose.eTrackingResult == ETrackingResult.Calibrating_OutOfRange; } }        public bool uninitialized { get { Update(); return pose.eTrackingResult == ETrackingResult.Uninitialized; } }         // These values are only accurate for the last controller state change (e.g. trigger release), and by definition, will always lag behind        // the predicted visual poses that drive SteamVR_TrackedObjects since they are sync‘d to the input timestamp that caused them to update.        //这些值只在最近状态发生改变的才准确(例如 释放扳机),通过定义,将会总是在预测视觉动作(这个预测的信息用来驱动SteamVR_TrackedObjects)之后延迟,因为他们是和输入的时间戳同步更新的         public SteamVR_Utils.RigidTransform transform { get { Update(); return new SteamVR_Utils.RigidTransform(pose.mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking); } }        public Vector3 velocity { get { Update(); return new Vector3(pose.vVelocity.v0, pose.vVelocity.v1, -pose.vVelocity.v2); } }        public Vector3 angularVelocity { get { Update(); return new Vector3(-pose.vAngularVelocity.v0, -pose.vAngularVelocity.v1, pose.vAngularVelocity.v2); } }         //获取状态 之前的状态  动作        public VRControllerState_t GetState() { Update(); return state; }        public VRControllerState_t GetPrevState() { Update(); return prevState; }        public TrackedDevicePose_t GetPose() { Update(); return pose; }         VRControllerState_t state, prevState;        TrackedDevicePose_t pose;        int prevFrameCount = -1;        public void Update()        {            if (Time.frameCount != prevFrameCount)            {                prevFrameCount = Time.frameCount;                prevState = state;                 var system = OpenVR.System;                if (system != null)                {                    valid = system.GetControllerStateWithPose(SteamVR_Render.instance.trackingSpace, index, ref state, ref pose);                    UpdateHairTrigger();                }            }        }         //长按 按下  抬起  两种参数buttonMask buttonId        public bool GetPress(ulong buttonMask) { Update(); return (state.ulButtonPressed & buttonMask) != 0; }        public bool GetPressDown(ulong buttonMask) { Update(); return (state.ulButtonPressed & buttonMask) != 0 && (prevState.ulButtonPressed & buttonMask) == 0; }        public bool GetPressUp(ulong buttonMask) { Update(); return (state.ulButtonPressed & buttonMask) == 0 && (prevState.ulButtonPressed & buttonMask) != 0; }         public bool GetPress(EVRButtonId buttonId) { return GetPress(1ul << (int)buttonId); }        public bool GetPressDown(EVRButtonId buttonId) { return GetPressDown(1ul << (int)buttonId); }        public bool GetPressUp(EVRButtonId buttonId) { return GetPressUp(1ul << (int)buttonId); }         //触摸 按下  抬起        public bool GetTouch(ulong buttonMask) { Update(); return (state.ulButtonTouched & buttonMask) != 0; }        public bool GetTouchDown(ulong buttonMask) { Update(); return (state.ulButtonTouched & buttonMask) != 0 && (prevState.ulButtonTouched & buttonMask) == 0; }        public bool GetTouchUp(ulong buttonMask) { Update(); return (state.ulButtonTouched & buttonMask) == 0 && (prevState.ulButtonTouched & buttonMask) != 0; }         public bool GetTouch(EVRButtonId buttonId) { return GetTouch(1ul << (int)buttonId); }        public bool GetTouchDown(EVRButtonId buttonId) { return GetTouchDown(1ul << (int)buttonId); }        public bool GetTouchUp(EVRButtonId buttonId) { return GetTouchUp(1ul << (int)buttonId); }         //获取轴心 此处是用来返回手指在触摸板Touchpad上的位置        public Vector2 GetAxis(EVRButtonId buttonId = EVRButtonId.k_EButton_SteamVR_Touchpad)        {            Update();            var axisId = (uint)buttonId - (uint)EVRButtonId.k_EButton_Axis0;            switch (axisId)            {                case 0: return new Vector2(state.rAxis0.x, state.rAxis0.y);                case 1: return new Vector2(state.rAxis1.x, state.rAxis1.y);                case 2: return new Vector2(state.rAxis2.x, state.rAxis2.y);                case 3: return new Vector2(state.rAxis3.x, state.rAxis3.y);                case 4: return new Vector2(state.rAxis4.x, state.rAxis4.y);            }            return Vector2.zero;        }         //上面提到的震动方法        public void TriggerHapticPulse(ushort durationMicroSec = 500, EVRButtonId buttonId = EVRButtonId.k_EButton_SteamVR_Touchpad)        {            var system = OpenVR.System;            if (system != null)            {                var axisId = (uint)buttonId - (uint)EVRButtonId.k_EButton_Axis0;                system.TriggerHapticPulse(index, axisId, (char)durationMicroSec);            }        }         //扳机扣下或释放的量才可以改变状态        public float hairTriggerDelta = 0.1f; // amount trigger must be pulled or released to change state        float hairTriggerLimit;        bool hairTriggerState, hairTriggerPrevState;        /// <summary>        /// 更新扳机状态        /// </summary>        void UpdateHairTrigger()        {            hairTriggerPrevState = hairTriggerState;            var value = http://www.mamicode.com/state.rAxis1.x; // trigger            if (hairTriggerState)            {                if (value < hairTriggerLimit - hairTriggerDelta || value <= 0.0f)                    hairTriggerState = false;            }            else            {                if (value > hairTriggerLimit + hairTriggerDelta || value >= 1.0f)                    hairTriggerState = true;            }            hairTriggerLimit = hairTriggerState ? Mathf.Max(hairTriggerLimit, value) : Mathf.Min(hairTriggerLimit, value);        }         public bool GetHairTrigger() { Update(); return hairTriggerState; }        public bool GetHairTriggerDown() { Update(); return hairTriggerState && !hairTriggerPrevState; }        public bool GetHairTriggerUp() { Update(); return !hairTriggerState && hairTriggerPrevState; }    }     private static Device[] devices;     /// <summary>    /// 输入的具体设备    /// </summary>    /// <param name="deviceIndex">Device index.</param>    public static Device Input(int deviceIndex)    {        if (devices == null)        {            devices = new Device[OpenVR.k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount];            for (uint i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++)                devices[i] = new Device(i);        }         return devices[deviceIndex];    }     public static void Update()    {        for (int i = 0; i < OpenVR.k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount; i++)            Input(i).Update();    }     // This helper can be used in a variety of ways.  Beware that indices may change    // as new devices are dynamically added or removed, controllers are physically    // swapped between hands, arms crossed, etc.    //这个枚举帮手用很多用法.注意索引也许会因为动态的新增或者移除而改变    //或者控制器物理上的在双手/双臂之间交换,等等    public enum DeviceRelation    {        First,        // radially        Leftmost,        Rightmost,        // distance - also see vr.hmd.GetSortedTrackedDeviceIndicesOfClass        FarthestLeft,        FarthestRight,    }     /// <summary>    /// 获取设备的索引    /// </summary>    /// <returns>The device index.</returns>    /// <param name="relation">Relation.</param>    /// <param name="deviceClass">Device class.</param>    /// <param name="relativeTo">Relative to.</param>    public static int GetDeviceIndex(DeviceRelation relation,        ETrackedDeviceClass deviceClass = ETrackedDeviceClass.Controller,        int relativeTo = (int)OpenVR.k_unTrackedDeviceIndex_Hmd) // use -1 for absolute tracking space    {        var result = -1;         var invXform = ((uint)relativeTo < OpenVR.k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount) ?            Input(relativeTo).transform.GetInverse() : SteamVR_Utils.RigidTransform.identity;         var system = OpenVR.System;        if (system == null)            return result;         var best = -float.MaxValue;        for (int i = 0; i < OpenVR.k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount; i++)        {            if (i == relativeTo || system.GetTrackedDeviceClass((uint)i) != deviceClass)                continue;             var device = Input(i);            if (!device.connected)                continue;             if (relation == DeviceRelation.First)                return i;             float score;             var pos = invXform * device.transform.pos;            if (relation == DeviceRelation.FarthestRight)            {                score = pos.x;            }            else if (relation == DeviceRelation.FarthestLeft)            {                score = -pos.x;            }            else            {                var dir = new Vector3(pos.x, 0.0f, pos.z).normalized;                var dot = Vector3.Dot(dir, Vector3.forward);                var cross = Vector3.Cross(dir, Vector3.forward);                if (relation == DeviceRelation.Leftmost)                {                    score = (cross.y > 0.0f) ? 2.0f - dot : dot;                }                else                {                    score = (cross.y < 0.0f) ? 2.0f - dot : dot;                }            }                         if (score > best)            {                result = i;                best = score;            }        }         return result;    }}





一、 手柄震动一下(真的只震动一下,也许不注意都感受不到!)

using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;public class yzx_controller : MonoBehaviour{    SteamVR_TrackedObject Hand;       SteamVR_Controller.Device device;    // Use this for initialization    void Start () {        Hand = GetComponent<SteamVR_TrackedObject>();  //获得SteamVR_ TrackedObject组件    }    // Update is called once per frame    void Update () {        if (Hand.isValid)          {             //防止Start函数没加载成功,保证SteamVR_ TrackedObject组件获取成功!            Hand = GetComponent<SteamVR_TrackedObject>();           }             //根据index,获得手柄          device = SteamVR_Controller.Input((int)Hand.index);            //如果手柄的Trigger键被按下了        if (device.GetPressDown(SteamVR_Controller.ButtonMask.Trigger))           {            Debug.Log("Trigger is pressed!"); //控制台输出Trigger is pressed!            device.TriggerHapticPulse(500); //手柄震动函数,500代表振幅,是一个ushort类型          }    }


No,No,No,明明控制台打印了Trigger is pressed !


因为,手柄只震动了一下下,你根本感觉不到。当然,你也可以修改这句代码device.TriggerHapticPulse(500); 将参数500调成1000,甚至更大(数值越大,振幅越大), 然而,震感还是太低了,因为,持续时间太短了……




下面的代码中,你可以随便修改代码StartCoroutine(“Shock”,0.5f) 的第二个参数(代表震动持续时间),0.5f 代表手柄持续震动0.5s,想震多久就震多久……Cool !!!


全面修改 yzx_controller.cs脚本,代码如下:

using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;public class yzx_controller : MonoBehaviour{    SteamVR_TrackedObject Hand;    SteamVR_Controller.Device device;    bool IsShock = false;  //布尔型变量IsShock    // Use this for initialization    void Start ()    {        Hand = GetComponent<SteamVR_TrackedObject>();  //获得SteamVR_ TrackedObject组件      }    // Update is called once per frame    void Update ()    {      //防止Start函数没加载成功,保证SteamVR_ TrackedObject组件获取成功!        if (Hand.isValid)        {            Hand = GetComponent<SteamVR_TrackedObject>();        }             device = SteamVR_Controller.Input((int)Hand.index);    //根据index,获得手柄             //如果手柄的Trigger键被按下了        if (device.GetPressDown(SteamVR_Controller.ButtonMask.Trigger))        {            IsShock = false;  //每次按下,IsShock为false,才能保证手柄震动            StartCoroutine("Shock",0.5f); //开启协程Shock(),第二个参数0.5f 即为协程Shock()的形参        }    } //定义了一个协程    IEnumerator Shock(float durationTime)     {//Invoke函数,表示durationTime秒后,执行StopShock函数;        Invoke("StopShock", durationTime);//协程一直使得手柄产生震动,直到布尔型变量IsShock为false;        while (!IsShock)        {            device.TriggerHapticPulse(500);            yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();        }    }    void StopShock()    {        IsShock = true; //关闭手柄的震动    }}

运行程序,Amazing!手柄真的真的震动起来了,而且可以随意调节震动的持续时间, So cool ……

HTC Vive开发笔记之手柄震动