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#ifndef LINEARLIST_H_INCLUDED#define LINEARLIST_H_INCLUDED#include<iostream>using namespace std;template<class T>class Linearlist{public:    virtual bool IsEmpty() const=0;    virtual int Length()const=0;    virtual bool Find(int i,T&x)const=0;    virtual  int Search(T x)const=0;    virtual bool Insert(int i,T x)=0;    virtual bool Delete(int i)=0;    virtual bool Update(int i,T x)=0;    virtual void Output(ostream& out)const=0;protected:    int n;};#endif // LINEARLIST_H_INCLUDED
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#ifndef SEQLIST_H_INCLUDED#define SEQLIST_H_INCLUDED#include"linearlist.h"template<class T>class SeqList:public Linearlist<T>{public:    SeqList(int mSize);    ~SeqList()    {        delete[] elements;    }    bool IsEmpty() const;    int Length() const;    bool Find(int i,T& x)const;    int Search(T x)const;    bool Insert(int i,T x);    bool Delete(int i);    bool Update(int i,T x);    void Output(ostream &out)const;private:    T *elements;    int maxLength;    int n;};template<class T>SeqList<T>::SeqList(int mSize){    maxLength=mSize;    elements=new T[maxLength];    n=0;}template<class T>bool SeqList<T>::IsEmpty() const{    return n==0;}template<class T>int SeqList<T>::Length() const{    return n;}template<class T>bool SeqList<T>::Find(int i,T &x)const{    if(i<0||i>n-1)    {        cout<<"out of bounds!\n";        return false ;    }    x=elements[i];    return true;}template<class T>int SeqList<T>::Search(T x) const{    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)    {        if(elements[i]==x)            return i;    }    return -1;}template<class T>bool SeqList<T>::Insert(int i,T x){    if(i<-1||i>n-1)    {        cout<<"out of bounds\n";        return false;    }    if(n==maxLength)    {        cout<<"OverFlow!\n";        return false;    }    for(int j=n-1;j>i;j--)        elements[j+1]=elements[j];    elements[i+1]=x;    n++;    return true;}template<class T>bool SeqList<T>::Delete(int i){    if(!n)    {        cout<<"UnderFlow\n";        return false;    }    if(i<0||i>n-1)    {        cout<<"out of bounds\n";        return false;    }    for(int j=i+1;j<n;j++)        elements[j-1]=elements[j];    n--;    return true;}template<class T>bool SeqList<T>::Update(int i,T x){    if(i<0||i>n-1)    {        cout<<"out of bounds\n";        return false;    }    elements[i]=x;    return true;}template<class T>void SeqList<T>::Output(ostream &out)const{    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)        out<<elements[i]<< ;    out<<endl;}#endif // SEQLIST_H_INCLUDED
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#ifndef SINGLELIST_H_INCLUDED#define SINGLELIST_H_INCLUDED#include"linearlist.h"template<class T> class SingleList;template<class T>class Node{protected:    T element;    Node<T> *link;    friend class SingleList<T>;};template<class T>class SingleList:public Linearlist<T>{public:    SingleList()    {        first=NULL;        n=0;    }    ~SingleList();    bool IsEmpty() const;    int Length() const;    bool Find(int i,T& x)const;    int Search(T x)const;    bool Insert(int i,T x);    bool Delete(int i);    bool Update(int i,T x);    void Output(ostream &out)const;    void Clear();protected:    Node<T> *first;    int n;};template<class T>SingleList<T>::~SingleList(){    Node<T> *p;    while(first)    {        p=first->link;        delete first;        first=p;    }}template<class T>bool SingleList<T>::IsEmpty() const{    return n==0;}template<class T>int SingleList<T>::Length() const{    return n;}template<class T>bool SingleList<T>::Find(int i,T& x)const{    if(i<0||i>n-1)    {        cout<<"out of bounds\n";        return false;    }    Node<T> *p=first;    for(int j=0;i<i;j++)    {        p=p->link;    }    x=p->element;    return true;}template<class T>int SingleList<T>::Search(T x)const{    Node<T> *p=first;    int j;    for(j=0;p&&p->element!=x;j++)        p=p->link;    if(p)        return j;    return -1;}template<class T>bool SingleList<T>::Insert(int i,T x){    if(i<-1||i>n-1)    {        cout<<"out of bounds\n";        return false;    }    Node<T> *q=new Node<T>;    q->element=x;    Node<T> *p=first;    for(int j=0;j<i;j++)    {        p=p->link;    }    if(i>-1)    {        q->link=p->link;        p->link=q;    }    else    {        q->link=first;        first=q;    }    n++;    return true;}template<class T>bool SingleList<T>::Delete(int i){    if(!n)    {        cout<<"UnderFlow\n";        return false;    }    if(i<0||i>n-1)    {        cout<<"out of bounds\n";        return false;    }    Node<T>*p=first,*q=first;    for(int j=0;j<i-1;j++)        q=q->link;    if(i==0)        first=first->link;    else    {        p=q->link;        q->link=p->link;    }    delete p;    n--;    return true;}template<class T>bool SingleList<T>::Update(int i,T x){    if(i<0||i>n-1)    {        cout<<"out of bounds\n";        return false;    }    Node<T> *p=first;    for(int j=0;j<i;j++)        p=p->link;    p->element=x;    return true;}template<class T>void SingleList<T>::Output(ostream &out)const{    Node<T> *p=first;    while(p)    {        out<<p->element<<" ";        p=p->link;    }    out<<endl;}#endif // SINGLELIST_H_INCLUDED
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#include <iostream>#include"seqlist.h"#include"singlelist.h"using namespace std;const int SIZE=20;int main(){    SeqList<int> LA(SIZE);    for(int i=0;i<5;i++)        LA.Insert(i-1,i);    SingleList<int> LB;    for(int i=0;i<5;i++)        LB.Insert(i-1,i*2);    cout<<"LA:";    LA.Output(cout);    cout<<"LB:";    LB.Output(cout);    cout<<"delete LA‘s last member:\n";    LA.Delete(4);    cout<<"LA:";    LA.Output(cout);    cout<<"insert a number at the begining of LB:\n";    LB.Insert(-1,6);    cout<<"LB:\n";    LB.Output(cout);    return 0;}
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#include<iostream>using namespace std;class Term{public:    Term(int c,int e);    Term(int c,int e,Term *nxt);    Term *InsertAfter(int c,int e);private:    int coef;    int exp;    Term *link;    friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &,const Term &);    friend class Polynominal;};Term::Term(int c,int e):coef(c),exp(e){    link=0;}Term::Term(int c,int e,Term *nxt):coef(c),exp(e){    link=nxt;}Term* Term::InsertAfter(int c,int e){    link=new Term(c,e,link);    return link;}ostream &operator<<(ostream &out,const Term &val){    if(val.coef==0)        return out;    out<<val.coef;    switch(val.exp)    {        case 0:break;        case 1:out<<"X";break;        default:out<<"X^"<<val.exp;    }    return out;}class Polynominal{public:    Polynominal();    ~Polynominal();    void AddTerms(istream &in);    void Output(ostream &out)const;    void PolyAdd(Polynominal& r);    void PolyMul(Polynominal& r);private:    Term *theList;    friend ostream&operator<<(ostream &,const Polynominal &);    friend istream &operator>>(istream &,Polynominal &);    friend Polynominal& operator+(Polynominal &,Polynominal&);    friend Polynominal & operator * (Polynominal &a, Polynominal &b);};Polynominal::Polynominal(){    theList=new Term(0,-1);    theList->link=theList;}Polynominal::~Polynominal(){    Term *p=theList->link;    while(p!=theList)    {        theList->link=p->link;        delete p;        p=theList->link;    }    delete theList;}void Polynominal::AddTerms(istream &in){    Term *q=theList;    int c,e;    for(;;)    {        cout<<"input the term(coef,exp):\n";        cin>>c>>e;        if(e<0)            break;        q=q->InsertAfter(c,e);    }}void Polynominal::Output(ostream &out)const{    int first=1;    Term *p=theList->link;    cout<<"The polynominal is:\n"<<endl;    for(;p!=theList;p=p->link)    {        if(!first&&(p->coef>0))            cout<<"+";        first=0;        out<<*p;    }    cout<<"\n"<<endl;}void Polynominal::PolyAdd(Polynominal &r){    Term *q,*q1=theList,*p;    p=r.theList->link;    q=q1->link;    while(p->exp>=0)    {        while(p->exp<q->exp)        {            q1=q;            q=q->link;        }        if(p->exp==q->exp)        {            q->coef=q->coef+p->coef;            if(q->coef==0)            {                q1->link=q->link;                delete(q);                q=q1->link;            }            else            {                q1=q;                q=q->link;            }        }        else            q1=q1->InsertAfter(p->coef,p->exp);        p=p->link;    }}void Polynominal::PolyMul(Polynominal& r){    Polynominal result;             //定义相乘后的数据    Term *n = result.theList;       //n指向result的头结点    n = n->InsertAfter(0, 0);       //在result的头结点后插入新结点,系数指数均为0    Term *p = r.theList->link;      //p指向第一个要处理的结点    while(p->exp >= 0)              //对r的单循环链表遍历    {        Polynominal tmp;            //存储某段相乘后的数据        Term *m = tmp.theList;      //m指向tmp的头结点        Term *q = theList->link;    //q指向表头结点的后继结点        while(q->exp >= 0)          //对当前对象的单循环环链表遍历        {            m = m->InsertAfter((p->coef)*(q->coef), (p->exp) + (q->exp)); //生成新结点插入n后            q = q->link;        }        result.PolyAdd(tmp);        //将temp加到result上        p = p->link;    }    Term *q = theList->link;        //q指向表头结点的后继结点    while(q != NULL)                //删除原对象的所有数据    {        theList->link = q->link;        delete q;        q = theList->link;    }    q = theList;    q = q->InsertAfter(0, 0);    PolyAdd(result);                //将result加到当前对象上}ostream&operator<<(ostream &out,const Polynominal &x){    x.Output(out);    return out;}istream &operator>>(istream &in,Polynominal &x){    x.AddTerms(in);    return in;}Polynominal &operator+(Polynominal &a,Polynominal&b){    a.PolyAdd(b);    return a;}Polynominal & operator * (Polynominal &a, Polynominal &b){    a.PolyMul(b);    return a;}int  main(){    Polynominal p,q;    cin>>p;    cout<<p;    cin>>q;    cout<<q;    q=q+p;    cout<<q;    q=p*q;    cout<<q;    return 0;}
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