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1.open your key chain access.

2.on top left corner unlock the key chain (if it is locked).

3.click system from top left corner.

4.then click your distribution certificate dropdown.

5.Double click private key under your distribution certificate.

6.pop up is shown. In that go to access control.

7.select allow all applications to access this item.

8.then click save changes.

  1. close all windows,

  2. run application.


NSArray *arr = [reason componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];

    NSMutableArray *marray = [NSMutableArrayarrayWithArray:arr];

    NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArrayarray];

    for (NSString *str in marray) {

        if (str.length != 0) {

            [array addObject:str];




安装的证书 不是通过你这里  请求 苹果的,那么 需要 安装的那台机子 把证书的 秘钥倒出来 给你就行了,就是那个 p12,并且 安装到      你的 login item里面,而不是 system 里面,