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CSV 读写

using System;using System.IO;using System.Runtime.InteropServices;using UnityEngine;public class CSVReader : IDisposable{    private bool m_disposed;    private StreamReader m_file;    private int m_lineIndex = -1;    private bool m_silent;    private int m_tokenIndex;    private string[] m_tokens;    private static char[] separators = new char[] { , };    private static char[] subSeparators = new char[] { + };    private static char[] trimCharacters = new char[] {  , " };    public CSVReader(string fileName, bool silent = false)    {        this.m_silent = silent;        try        {            this.m_file = new StreamReader(fileName);            this.m_file.ReadLine();        }        catch (Exception exception)        {            if (!this.m_silent)            {                Debug.LogWarning("Could not load: " + fileName + ", error: " + exception.Message);            }        }    }    public void Dispose()    {        this.Dispose(true);        GC.SuppressFinalize(this);    }    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)    {        if (!this.m_disposed)        {            if (disposing && (this.m_file != null))            {                this.m_file.Dispose();            }            this.m_disposed = true;        }    }    ~CSVReader()    {        this.Dispose(false);    }    public bool NextRow()    {        if (this.m_file == null)        {            return false;        }        string str = this.m_file.ReadLine();        if (str == null)        {            return false;        }        this.m_tokens = str.Split(separators);        this.m_tokenIndex = 0;        this.m_lineIndex++;        return true;    }    private string NextToken()    {        return this.m_tokens[this.m_tokenIndex++].Trim(trimCharacters);    }    public T ReadEnum<T>(T defaultValue)    {        string str = this.ReadString();        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))        {            try            {                return (T) Enum.Parse(typeof(T), str, true);            }            catch (Exception)            {            }        }        return defaultValue;    }    public float ReadFloat()    {        if (this.m_tokenIndex < this.m_tokens.Length)        {            string s = this.NextToken();            float result = 0f;            if (!float.TryParse(s, out result) && !this.m_silent)            {                Debug.LogError(string.Format("Could not parse float on line {0}, token {1}: {2}", this.m_lineIndex + 1, this.m_tokenIndex + 1, s));            }            return result;        }        if (!this.m_silent)        {            Debug.LogError(string.Format("Out of tokens on line {0}, requested token at index {1}", this.m_lineIndex + 1, this.m_tokenIndex + 1));        }        return 0f;    }    public int ReadInt()    {        if (this.m_tokenIndex < this.m_tokens.Length)        {            string s = this.NextToken();            int result = 0;            if (!int.TryParse(s, out result) && !this.m_silent)            {                Debug.LogError(string.Format("Could not parse int on line {0}, token {1}: {2}", this.m_lineIndex + 1, this.m_tokenIndex + 1, s));            }            return result;        }        if (!this.m_silent)        {            Debug.LogError(string.Format("Out of tokens on line {0}, requested token at index {1}", this.m_lineIndex + 1, this.m_tokenIndex + 1));        }        return 0;    }    public string ReadString()    {        if (this.m_tokenIndex < this.m_tokens.Length)        {            return this.NextToken();        }        if (!this.m_silent)        {            Debug.LogError(string.Format("Out of tokens on line {0}, requested token at index {1}", this.m_lineIndex + 1, this.m_tokenIndex + 1));        }        return string.Empty;    }    public string[] ReadStringArray()    {        if (this.m_tokenIndex < this.m_tokens.Length)        {            string[] strArray = this.m_tokens[this.m_tokenIndex++].Trim(trimCharacters).Split(subSeparators);            if ((strArray.Length == 1) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(strArray[0]))            {                return new string[0];            }            return strArray;        }        if (!this.m_silent)        {            Debug.LogError(string.Format("Out of tokens on line {0}, requested token at index {1}", this.m_lineIndex + 1, this.m_tokenIndex + 1));        }        return new string[0];    }}
using System;using System.IO;using UnityEngine;public class CSVWriter : IDisposable{    private bool m_disposed;    private StreamWriter m_file;    private bool m_startOfLine = true;    private static char separator = ,;    private static char subSeparator = +;    public CSVWriter(string fileName, params string[] columns)    {        try        {            this.m_file = new StreamWriter(fileName);            foreach (string str in columns)            {                this.WriteString(str);            }            this.EndRow();        }        catch (Exception exception)        {            Debug.LogError("Could not open: " + fileName + ", error: " + exception.Message);        }    }    public void Dispose()    {        this.Dispose(true);        GC.SuppressFinalize(this);    }    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)    {        if (!this.m_disposed)        {            if (disposing && (this.m_file != null))            {                this.m_file.Dispose();            }            this.m_disposed = true;        }    }    public void EndRow()    {        if (this.m_file != null)        {            this.m_file.Write(\n);            this.m_startOfLine = true;        }    }    ~CSVWriter()    {        this.Dispose(false);    }    public void WriteFloat(float val)    {        if (!this.m_startOfLine)        {            this.m_file.Write(separator);        }        this.m_startOfLine = false;        this.m_file.Write(val);    }    public void WriteInt(int val)    {        if (!this.m_startOfLine)        {            this.m_file.Write(separator);        }        this.m_startOfLine = false;        this.m_file.Write(val);    }    public void WriteString(string val)    {        if (!this.m_startOfLine)        {            this.m_file.Write(separator);        }        this.m_startOfLine = false;        this.m_file.Write(val);    }    public void WriteStringArray(string[] vals)    {        if (!this.m_startOfLine)        {            this.m_file.Write(separator);        }        this.m_startOfLine = false;        bool flag = true;        foreach (string str in vals)        {            if (!flag)            {                this.m_file.Write(subSeparator);            }            flag = false;            this.m_file.Write(str);        }    }}


CSV 读写