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288. Unique Word Abbreviation



1) [“dog”]; isUnique(“dig”);   

//False, because “dig” has the same abbreviation with “dog" and “dog” is already in the dictionary. It’s not unique.

2) [“dog”, “dog"]; isUnique(“dog”);  

//True, because “dog” is the only word that has “d1g” abbreviation.

3) [“dog”, “dig”]; isUnique(“dog”);   

//False, because if we have more than one word match to the same abbreviation, this abbreviation will never be unique.






 1 public class ValidWordAbbr { 2     Map<String, String> dic; 3  4     public ValidWordAbbr(String[] dictionary) { 5         dic = new HashMap<String, String>(); 6         for(int i = 0; i < dictionary.length; i++) { 7             String abb = generateAbb(dictionary[i]); 8             if(dic.containsKey(abb) && !dic.get(abb).equals(dictionary[i])) { 9                 dic.put(abb, "");10             } else {11                 dic.put(abb, dictionary[i]);12             }13         }14     }15     16     private String generateAbb(String s) {17         int len = s.length();18         if(len < 3) {19             return s;20         }21         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();22         sb.append(s.charAt(0));23         sb.append(len - 2);24         sb.append(s.charAt(len - 1));25         return sb.toString();26     }27 28     public boolean isUnique(String word) {29         String abb = generateAbb(word);30         return !dic.containsKey(abb) || dic.get(abb).equals(word);31     }32 }


288. Unique Word Abbreviation