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ExtJS 4.2 Date组件扩展:添加清除按钮




1. Date组件介绍

2. 主要代码说明

3. 代码与在线演示


1. Date组件介绍

这里的Date组件全称为 Ext.form.field.Date,为form表单一个组件。

查看Ext.form.field.Date的源代码的得知需要 Ext.picker.Date。




2. 主要代码说明


2.1 创建一个js文件,用以覆盖Ext.picker.Date

Ext.define(‘Js.ux.DatePicker‘, {    override: ‘Ext.picker.Date‘    ...}


2.2 renderTpl属性




2.3 beforeRender方法


beforeRender: function () {    var me = this;    me.callParent();    // 创建按钮     me.clearBtn = new Ext.button.Button({        ownerCt: me,        ownerLayout: me.getComponentLayout(),        text: ‘清除‘,        tooltip: ‘清除日期‘,        tooltipType: ‘title‘,        handler: me.selectClear,        scope: me    });}


2.4 selectClear方法


selectClear: function () {    var me = this,        btn = me.clearBtn,        handler = me.handler;    if (btn && !btn.disabled) {        me.setValue(‘‘);        me.fireEvent(‘select‘, me, me.value);        if (handler) {            handler.call(me.scope || me, me, me.value);        }        me.onSelect();    }    return me;}


3. 代码与在线演示

3.1 完整代码


/*!* 在原有的Date组件上添加【清除】按钮*/Ext.define(‘Js.ux.DatePicker‘, {    override: ‘Ext.picker.Date‘,    renderTpl: [        ‘<div id="{id}-innerEl" role="grid">‘,            ‘<div role="presentation" class="{baseCls}-header">‘,                 // the href attribute is required for the :hover selector to work in IE6/7/quirks                ‘<a id="{id}-prevEl" class="{baseCls}-prev {baseCls}-arrow" href="http://www.mamicode.com/#" role="button" title="{prevText}" hidefocus="on" ></a>‘,                ‘<div class="{baseCls}-month" id="{id}-middleBtnEl">{%this.renderMonthBtn(values, out)%}</div>‘,                 // the href attribute is required for the :hover selector to work in IE6/7/quirks                ‘<a id="{id}-nextEl" class="{baseCls}-next {baseCls}-arrow" href="http://www.mamicode.com/#" role="button" title="{nextText}" hidefocus="on" ></a>‘,            ‘</div>‘,            ‘<table id="{id}-eventEl" class="{baseCls}-inner" cellspacing="0" role="grid">‘,                ‘<thead role="presentation"><tr role="row">‘,                    ‘<tpl for="dayNames">‘,                        ‘<th role="columnheader" class="{parent.baseCls}-column-header" title="{.}">‘,                            ‘<div class="{parent.baseCls}-column-header-inner">{.:this.firstInitial}</div>‘,                        ‘</th>‘,                    ‘</tpl>‘,                ‘</tr></thead>‘,                ‘<tbody role="presentation"><tr role="row">‘,                    ‘<tpl for="days">‘,                        ‘{#:this.isEndOfWeek}‘,                        ‘<td role="gridcell" id="{[Ext.id()]}">‘,                            // the href attribute is required for the :hover selector to work in IE6/7/quirks                            ‘<a role="presentation" hidefocus="on" class="{parent.baseCls}-date" href="http://www.mamicode.com/#"></a>‘,                        ‘</td>‘,                    ‘</tpl>‘,                ‘</tr></tbody>‘,            ‘</table>‘,            ‘<tpl if="showToday">‘,                ‘<div id="{id}-footerEl" role="presentation" class="{baseCls}-footer">‘,                    ‘{%this.renderTodayBtn(values, out)%}‘,                    ‘{%this.renderClearBtn(values, out)%}‘,                    ‘</div>‘,            ‘</tpl>‘,        ‘</div>‘,        {            firstInitial: function (value) {                return Ext.picker.Date.prototype.getDayInitial(value);            },            isEndOfWeek: function (value) {                // convert from 1 based index to 0 based                // by decrementing value once.                value--;                var end = value % 7 === 0 && value !== 0;                return end ? ‘</tr><tr role="row">‘ : ‘‘;            },            renderTodayBtn: function (values, out) {                Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(values.$comp.todayBtn.getRenderTree(), out);            },            renderMonthBtn: function (values, out) {                Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(values.$comp.monthBtn.getRenderTree(), out);            },            renderClearBtn: function (values, out) { // 清除按钮                Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(values.$comp.clearBtn.getRenderTree(), out);            }        }    ],    beforeRender: function () {        var me = this;        me.callParent();        // 创建按钮         me.clearBtn = new Ext.button.Button({            ownerCt: me,            ownerLayout: me.getComponentLayout(),            text: ‘清除‘,            tooltip: ‘清除日期‘,            tooltipType: ‘title‘,            handler: me.selectClear,            scope: me        });    },    // Do the job of a container layout at this point even though we are not a Container.    // TODO: Refactor as a Container.    finishRenderChildren: function () {        var me = this;        me.callParent();        me.clearBtn.finishRender();    },    /**    * Sets the value of the date field    * @param {Date} value The date to set    * @return {Ext.picker.Date} this    */    setValue: function (value) {        if (value =http://www.mamicode.com/= ‘‘) {>


3.2 运行图



3.3 在线演示




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ExtJS 4.2 Date组件扩展:添加清除按钮