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           进栈(push)时  ++TopOfStack 然后把元素加进数组。出栈(pop)时直接 TopOfStack--;


#ifndef _stack_hstruct stack;typedef struct stack *Stack;typedef int ElementType;int isEmpty(Stack s);int isFull(Stack s);Stack CreateStack(int MaxElements);void Push(ElementType x,Stack s);ElementType Top(Stack s);void Pop(Stack s);ElementType TopAndPop(Stack s);#endif
#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include"stack_array.h"#define ElementTOS (-1)#define MinStackSize (5)struct stack{    int Capacity;    int TopOfStack;    ElementType *Array;};int isEmpty(Stack s){    return s->TopOfStack == ElementTOS;}int isFull(Stack s){    return s->TopOfStack == s->Capacity;}Stack CreateStack(int MaxElements){    Stack s;    if(MaxElements<MinStackSize)    {        printf("The stack is too small!\n");        return NULL;    }    s = (Stack)malloc(sizeof(struct stack));    if(s==NULL)    {        printf("out of space!\n");        return NULL;    }    s->Capacity = MaxElements-1;    s->TopOfStack = ElementTOS;    s->Array = (ElementType *)malloc(MaxElements*sizeof(ElementType));    return s;}void Push(ElementType x,Stack s){    if(!isFull(s))        s->Array[++s->TopOfStack] = x;    else         printf("The stack is Full!\n");}ElementType Top(Stack s){    if(!isEmpty(s))        return s->Array[s->TopOfStack];    else    {        printf("The stack is Empty!\n");        return 0;    }}void Pop(Stack s){    if(!isEmpty(s))        s->Array[s->TopOfStack--];    else         printf("The stack is Empty!\n");}ElementType TopAndPop(Stack s){    if(!isEmpty(s))        return s->Array[s->TopOfStack--];    else    {        printf("The stack is empty!\n");        return 0;    }}int main(){    Stack s;    s = CreateStack(6);    Push(1,s);    Push(2,s);    Push(3,s);    Push(4,s);    Push(5,s);    Push(6,s);    Push(7,s);        for(int i=0;i<6;i++)    {        printf("The top of stack is %d\n",Top(s));        Pop(s);    }    Pop(s);    return 0;}