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138. Copy List with Random Pointer

A linked list is given such that each node contains an additional random pointer which could point to any node in the list or null.

Return a deep copy of the list.


必须先遍历一遍复制single linked list。遍历过程中建立一个1对1的map,copy的每个node都是以之前node为key的pair的value。这样在第二次遍历的时候,只需要将random赋值就好。

public RandomListNode CopyRandomList(RandomListNode head) {        if(head == null) return null;        RandomListNode nextNode = null;        var sentinel = new RandomListNode(-1);        sentinel.next = head;        var sentinel2 = new RandomListNode(-1);        var dummy = sentinel2;        var hashtable  = new Dictionary<RandomListNode,RandomListNode>();        //copy;        while(head != null)        {            var newCopy = new RandomListNode(head.label);            hashtable.Add(head,newCopy);            sentinel2.next = newCopy;            head = head.next;            sentinel2 = sentinel2.next;        }        //copy random        var newHead = sentinel.next;        var newListHead =  dummy.next;        while(newHead != null)        {            var random = newHead.random;            newListHead.random =(random==null)?null: hashtable[random];            newHead = newHead.next;            newListHead = newListHead.next;        }               return dummy.next;    }



网上有大神http://fisherlei.blogspot.com/2013/11/leetcode-copy-list-with-random-pointer.html 给出了很巧妙的方法。





public RandomListNode CopyRandomList(RandomListNode head) {        if(head == null) return null;        RandomListNode nextNode = null;        var sentinel = new RandomListNode(-1);        sentinel.next = head;        //copy;        while(head != null)        {            var newCopy = new RandomListNode(head.label);            nextNode = head.next;            head.next = newCopy;            newCopy.next = nextNode;            head = nextNode;        }        //copy random        var newHead = sentinel.next;        while(newHead != null)        {            var random = newHead.random;            var follow = newHead.next;            follow.random =(random==null)? null:random.next;            newHead = follow.next;        }        //split into 2 lists        var legacy = sentinel.next;        var pilot = new RandomListNode(-1);        var dummy = pilot;        while(legacy != null)        {            pilot.next = legacy.next;            pilot =  pilot.next;            legacy.next = legacy.next.next ;            legacy = legacy.next;        }        return dummy.next;    }


138. Copy List with Random Pointer