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rock crushing machine for sale
Topics CoveredIntroductionPhase Identification of Lithium and Manganese OresQuantification of Heavy Mineral SandsRietveld methodQuantification of Phases in Iron OreQuantification by Standard CalibrationQuantification of Bauxite by Rietveld AnalysisCluster Analysis of BauxitesAbout PANalytical IntroductionThis application overview demonstrates the use of X-ray diffraction (XRD) barite grinding plant for sale in six mining case studies: phase identification of lithium and manganese ores; quantification of heavy mineral sands; quantification of phases in iron ore; quantification of quartz in talc, and quantification and cluster analysis of bauxites.Valuable information is obtained using state-of-the-art PANalytical technology, including high-speed detectors and advanced software, which illustrates the potential of XRD as a high throughput process control solution.XRD is a versatile, non-destructive analytical tool that is widely used throughout the mining industry. It is long established as an important method for the identification of phases in raw materials, for process control during ore beneficiation, and for the quality control of final mineral products. The recent introduction of PANalytical’s X’Celerator, and the subsequent PIXcel, detector has revolutionized X-ray analysis, further extending its possible applications in the mining industry.In addition to innovations in hardware, PANalytical has developed sophisticated software that enables even inexperienced laboratory personnel to conduct automatic data analysis and reporting. quarry equipment manufacturer PANalytical’s XRD software utilizes important tools such as standardless Rietveld and cluster analysis for large data sets, helping the mining industry to mine with greater efficiency than ever before.Phase Identification of Lithium and Manganese OresXRD is the primary analytical technique for identifying the phases present in ore samples, as well as understanding the results of beneficiation procedures. In this case study, XRD analysis of raw lithium ore (figure 1) was used to identify the phases spodumen, feldspar (K-feldspar and Na-feldspar), quartz and muscovite. The manganese ore showed the presence of braunite, bixbyite and a number of minor phases (figure 2). This type of analysis benefits greatly from a highresolution diffraction pattern, as the patterns for these major phases show severe overlapping.Figure 2. Phase identification of lithium oreFigure 3. Phase identification of manganese oreMeasurement times of less than 5 minutes using X’Celerator or PIXcel detector feature in a high sample throughput and quick information about changes stone quarry machines for sale in ore composition or the presence of process relevant impurities.Quantification of Heavy Mineral SandsThe X’Celerator detector makes it possible to analyze heavy mineral sands in a scan time of less than five minutes, providing data of suitably high quality for Rietveld analysis. Co radiation was used for this case study as it is ideal for iron-bearing materials such as heavy mineral sands.Rietveld methodThe analysis of ores and minerals with the standardless Rietveld method has several advantages. You can distinguish between and determine all existing phases in just a few minutes. Crucial process parameters can be calculated directly from the phase quantification. Line overlaps, sample height and preferred orientation do not influence the results. For this method a fast detector is recommended to measure and evaluate a whole diffractogram in minutes. No standards or calibration are needed.