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[Android]Android代码调试工具: Traceview和Dmtracedump
?Android 程序调试工具
Google为我们提供的代码调试工具的亮点:traceview 和 dmtracedump 。有了这两个工具,我们调试程序分析bug就非常得心应手了。traceview帮助我们分析程序性能,dmtracedump生成函数调用图。遗憾的是,google提供的dmtracedump是个失败的工具,并不能绘图,本文会详细介绍解决方案,实现绘图。
- Debug.startMethodTracing(“test”);
- Debug.stopMethodTracing();
在SDK中执行 :
./traceview test.trace
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- """
- turn the traceview data into a jpg pic, showing methods call relationship
- """
- import sys
- import os
- import struct
- import re
- ################################################################################
- ######################## Global Variable #####################################
- ################################################################################
- target_thread=1 #the thread that we want to track, filt out other threads
- #all_actions = ["enter","exit","exception","reserved"]
- all_threads = {}
- all_methods = {}
- all_records = []
- parent_methods = {}
- child_methods = {}
- method_calls = {}
- ################################################################################
- ############################## Methods #####################################
- ################################################################################
- def add_one_thread(line):
- fields = line.split("/t")
- all_threads[int(fields[0],10)]=fields
- def add_one_method(line):
- fields = line.split("/t")
- all_methods[int(fields[0],16)]=fields
- def add_one_record(one):
- thread_id,=struct.unpack("B",one[:1])
- if (thread_id == target_thread):
- tmp,=struct.unpack("L",one[1:5])
- method_id= (tmp / 4) * 4;
- method_action= tmp % 4;
- time_offset,=struct.unpack("L",one[5:])
- all_records.append([thread_id, method_id, method_action, time_offset])
- def handle_one_call(parent_method_id,method_id):
- if not (parent_methods.has_key(parent_method_id)):
- parent_methods[parent_method_id]=1
- if not (child_methods.has_key(method_id)):
- child_methods[method_id]=1
- if method_calls.has_key(parent_method_id):
- if method_calls[parent_method_id].has_key(method_id):
- method_calls[parent_method_id][method_id]+=1
- else:
- method_calls[parent_method_id][method_id]=1
- else:
- method_calls[parent_method_id]={}
- method_calls[parent_method_id][method_id]=1
- def gen_funcname(method_id):
- r1=re.compile(r‘[/{1}lt;>]‘)
- str1=r1.sub("_",all_methods[method_id][1])
- str2=r1.sub("_",all_methods[method_id][2])
- return str1+"_"+str2
- def gen_dot_script_file():
- myoutfile = open("graph.dot", "w")
- myoutfile.write("digraph vanzo {/n/n");
- for one in all_methods.keys():
- if parent_methods.has_key(one):
- myoutfile.write(gen_funcname(one)+" [shape=rectangle];/n")
- else:
- if child_methods.has_key(one):
- myoutfile.write(gen_funcname(one)+" [shape=ellipse];/n")
- for one in method_calls.keys():
- for two in method_calls[one]:
- myoutfile.write(gen_funcname(one) + ‘ -> ‘ + gen_funcname(two) + ‘ [label="‘ + str(method_calls[one][two]) + ‘" fontsize="10"];/n‘)
- myoutfile.write("/n}/n");
- myoutfile.close
- ################################################################################
- ########################## Script starts from here #############################
- ################################################################################
- if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- print ‘No input file specified.‘
- sys.exit()
- if not (os.path.exists(sys.argv[1])):
- print "input file not exists"
- sys.exit()
- #Now handle the text part
- current_section=0
- for line in open(sys.argv[1]):
- line2 = line.strip()
- if (line2.startswith("*")):
- if (line2.startswith("*version")):
- current_section=1
- else:
- if (line2.startswith("*threads")):
- current_section=2
- else:
- if (line2.startswith("*methods")):
- current_section=3
- else:
- if (line2.startswith("*end")):
- current_section=4
- break
- continue
- if current_section==2:
- add_one_thread(line2)
- if current_section==3:
- add_one_method(line2)
- #Now handle the binary part
- mybinfile = open(sys.argv[1], "rb")
- alldata = mybinfile.read()
- mybinfile.close()
- pos=alldata.find("SLOW")
- offset,=struct.unpack("H",alldata[pos+6:pos+8])
- pos2=pos+offset #pos2 is where the record begin
- numofrecords = len(alldata) - pos2
- numofrecords = numofrecords / 9
- for i in xrange(numofrecords):
- add_one_record(alldata[pos2 + i * 9:pos2 + i * 9 + 9])
- my_stack=[0]
- for onerecord in all_records:
- thread_id=onerecord[0];
- method_id=onerecord[1];
- action=onerecord[2];
- time=onerecord[3];
- if(action==0):
- if(len(my_stack) > 1):
- parent_method_id=my_stack[-1]
- handle_one_call(parent_method_id,method_id)
- my_stack.append(method_id)
- else:
- if(action==1):
- if(len(my_stack) > 1):
- my_stack.pop()
- gen_dot_script_file()
- os.system("dot -Tjpg graph.dot -o output.jpg;rm -f graph.dot");
- Debug.startMethodTracing(“calc”);
- Log.v(LOG_TAGS”+++++++++++++++++++++++++test++++++++++++++++”);
- Debug.stopMethodTracing();