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Online advertising术语

做项目发现很多Online Advertising术语不懂,看代码感觉不那么清晰,现在来总结下遇到的一些术语。


1. Online Advertising


   A. Publisher(应用开发者)

   B. Advertiser (广告投放者)

3.CPI(Cost per impression) :

   it is the cost or expense incurred for marketing potential customers who view the advertisement(s),即广告每被潜在消费者看到一次所产生的花费

   impression:is a measure of the number of times an ad is seen(广告展示的次数)


    Cost per impression ($) = Advertising cost ($) ÷ Number of Impressions (#)

4.CPC/PPC(Cost Per Click/Pay Per Click):

   每次广告点击付费(Advertiser --> Developer)

5.CTR(Click-through Rate):

计算方法:点击率 = 广告被点击次数 / 广告被显示次数

6.CPM(Cost per mille):

CPM cost ‰ and cost per thousand (CPT) (in Latin mille means thousand),即广告每显示1000次产生的费用

7.ECPM(effective cost per mille)


