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hdu 5071

题意:  大模拟

题解:每次把always top标记的人关掉要把标记也去掉,聊天数用long long,最后先和有标记的人说拜拜

#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <vector>#include <algorithm>#include <iostream>#include <map>#include <queue>#include <stack>#include <cmath>//#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:102400000,102400000")using namespace std;#define PF(x) cout << "debug: " << x << " ";#define EL cout << endl;#define PC(x) puts(x);typedef long long ll;#define CLR(x, v) sizeof (x, v, sizeof(x))using namespace std;const int INF = 0x5f5f5f5f;const int  N= 2e5 + 10;const int mod=1e9 + 7;const int maxn = 5e3 + 10;int n,t,topfg,stk[maxn],cnt;//num shuohua  shuliang,fg  shifou  zai duiliemap<int,ll>fg,num;int main(){  // freopen("in.txt","r",stdin);    cin>>t;    int cas = 0;    while(t--){        fg.clear();        num.clear();        topfg = 0;        cnt = 0;        cas = 0;        scanf("%d",&n);        char ss[20];        while(n--){            cas++;            printf("Operation #%d: ",cas);            getchar();            scanf("%s",ss);           // cout<<ss<<endl;            if(ss[0]==A){                int u;                scanf("%d",&u);               if(fg[u] > 0) printf("same priority.\n");                else{                    stk[++cnt] = u;                    fg[u] = 1;                    printf("success.\n");                }            }            else if(ss[0] == R){                int u;                scanf("%d",&u);                if(u < 1||u > cnt)                    printf("out of range.\n");                else{                    int x = stk[u];                    for(int i = u;i >= 2;i--)                        stk[i] = stk[i - 1];                    stk[1] = x;                    printf("success.\n");                }            }            else if(ss[0] == P){                if(cnt == 0) printf("empty.\n");                else{                    int pos;                    int pir = 0;                    for(int i = 1;i <= cnt;i++){                        if(pir < stk[i]){                            pos = i;                            pir = stk[i];                        }                    }                    for(int i = pos;i >= 2;i--)                        stk[i] = stk[i - 1];                    stk[1] = pir;                    printf("success.\n");                }            }            else if(ss[0] == T){                int u;                scanf("%d",&u);                if(!fg[u])  printf("invalid priority.\n");                else{                    topfg = u;                    printf("success.\n");                }            }            else if(ss[0] == U){                if(topfg == 0) printf("no such person.\n");                else {                topfg = 0;                printf("success.\n");            }            }            else if(ss[0] == C){                if(ss[1] == l){                    int u;                    scanf("%d",&u);                    if(!fg[u])  printf("invalid priority.\n");                    else{                        printf("close %d with %lld.\n",u,num[u]);                        if(topfg == u) topfg = 0;                        num[u] = 0,fg[u] = 0;                                                int pos = 0;                        for(int i = 1;i <= cnt;i++){                            if(stk[i] == u){                                pos = 1;                                continue;                            }                            if(pos)                                stk[i - 1] = stk[i];                        }                        cnt--;                       // printf("success.\n");                    }                }                if(ss[1] == h){                    if(ss[2] == a){                    int w;                    scanf("%d",&w);                    if(cnt == 0) printf("empty.\n");                    else{                        if(topfg > 0 && fg[topfg] > 0) num[topfg] += w;                        else num[stk[1]] += w;                        printf("success.\n");                    }                }                    if(ss[2] == o){                        int u;                        scanf("%d",&u);                        if(!fg[u]) printf("invalid priority.\n");                        else{                            int pos;                            int pir = u;                            for(int i = 1;i <= cnt;i++){                                if(u == stk[i]){                                    pos = i;                                    break;                        }                    }                            for(int i = pos;i >= 2;i--)                                stk[i] = stk[i - 1];                            stk[1] = pir;                            printf("success.\n");                        }                    }               }            }        }       if(fg[topfg] > 0&& num[topfg] > 0)  printf("Bye %d: %lld\n",topfg,num[topfg]);       num[topfg] = 0;        for(int i = 1;i <= cnt;i++)            if(num[stk[i]] > 0&&fg[stk[i]] > 0)                printf("Bye %d: %lld\n",stk[i],num[stk[i]]);    }    return 0;}


hdu 5071