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Tutorial: Generate BBox or Rectangle to locate the target obejct


Tutorial: Generate BBox or Rectangle to locate the target obejct  


 1 clc;close all;clear all;
 2 Img=imread(/home/wangxiao/Documents/files/Visual_Tracking/MDNet-CVPR2016/MDNet-master/attentionMap/Basketball/0001.png);
 3 if ndims(Img)==3
 4     I=rgb2gray(Img);
 5 else
 6     I=Img;
 7 end
 8 I=im2bw(I,graythresh(I));
 9 [m,n]=size(I);
10 imshow(I);title(binary image);
11 txt=get(gca,Title);
12 set(txt,fontsize,16);
13 L=bwlabel(I);
14 stats=regionprops(L,all);
15 set(gcf,color,w);
16 set(gca,units,pixels,Visible,off);
17 q=get(gca,position);
18 q(1)=0;%设置左边距离值为零
19 q(2)=0;%设置右边距离值为零
20 set(gca,position,q);
21 for i=1:length(stats)
22     hold on;
23     rectangle(position,stats(i).BoundingBox,edgecolor,y,linewidth,2);
24     temp = stats(i).Centroid;
25     plot(temp(1),temp(2),r.);
26     drawnow;
27 end
28 frame=getframe(gcf,[0,0,n,m]);
29 im=frame2im(frame);
30 imwrite(im,a.jpg,jpg);%可以修改保存的格式



Tutorial: Generate BBox or Rectangle to locate the target obejct