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1. 相较于python解释器来说,它能通过 tab键来代码补全

2.也有可以在浏览器上直接跑脚本的,基于网页动态交互的 notebook


    可以在对象后加“?”,就可以看到所有有关对象的相关信息,比如对象类型,对象的有关类的 文档等等


 可以用 通配符"object.*load*?"查找 空间内的namespace

4.用%run命令,运行你所在位置的 python脚本,<Ctrl-C>中断

5.可以从粘贴板上执行代码(<Ctrl-Shift-V>),以及%paste 和 %cpaste命令,也有IDE有关它的扩展


  Command       Description
  Ctrl-P or up-arrow   Search backward in command history for commands starting with currently-entered text
  Ctrl-N or down-arrow   Search forward in command history for commands starting with currently-entered text
  Ctrl-R         Readline-style reverse history search (partial matching)
  Ctrl-Shift-V       Paste text from clipboard
  Ctrl-C         Interrupt currently-executing code
  Ctrl-A         Move cursor to beginning of line
  Ctrl-E         Move cursor to end of line
  Ctrl-K         Delete text from cursor until end of line
  Ctrl-U         Discard all text on current line
  Ctrl-F         Move cursor forward one character
  Ctrl-B         Move cursor back one character
  Ctrl-L         Clear screen



9.%reset 清空用户的所有定义


Command     Description
%quickref     Display the IPython Quick Reference Card
%magic      Display detailed documentation for all of the available magic commands
%debug      Enter the interactive debugger at the bottom of the last exception traceback
%hist       Print command input (and optionally output) history
%pdb       Automatically enter debugger after any exception
%paste      Execute pre-formatted Python code from clipboard
%cpaste      Open a special prompt for manually pasting Python code to be executed
%reset      Delete all variables / names defined in interactive namespace
%page     OBJECT Pretty print the object and display it through a pager
%run     script.py Run a Python script inside IPython
%prun     statement Execute statement with cProfile and report the profiler output
%time     statement Report the execution time of single statement
%timeit     statement Run a statement multiple times to compute an emsemble average execution time. Useful for
timing code with very short execution time
%who, %who_ls, %whos   Display variables defined in interactive namespace, with varying levels of information / verbosity
%xdel       variable Delete a variable and attempt to clear any references to the object in the IPython internals



10.还有 丰富的Qt-based控制台(ipython qtconsole --pylab=inline)

11.Matplotlib Integration and Pylab Mode($ ipython --pylab):与Matplotlib有更好的交互


13.可以和你的系统交互(用类似 linux的命令)

14.可以收藏 系统文件价,下次可以直接跳转到相应目录




    Command         Action

    h(elp)           Display command list
    help            command Show documentation for command
    c(ontinue)         Resume program execution
    q(uit)           Exit debugger without executing any more code
    b(reak)           number Set breakpoint at number in current file
    b path/to/file.py:number   Set breakpoint at line number in specified file
    s(tep)           Step into function call
    n(ext)           Execute current line and advance to next line at current level
    u(p) / d(own)       Move up/down in function call stack
    a(rgs)         Show arguments for current function
    debug statement     Invoke statement statement in new (recursive) debugger
    l(ist) statement     Show current position and context at current level of stack
    w(here)         Print full stack trace with context at current position


16.测运行函数花费的时间(%prun -l 7 -s cumulative run_experiment()),不同于cprofile接py文件($ python -m cProfile -s cumulative cprof_example.py)

17.一行一行的剖析函数(需要添加line_profiler库,使用如下%lprun -f add_and_sum add_and_sum(x, y))



