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ArcEngine 通过IRelationalOperator.Relation判断几何体相交

  IRelationalOperator 接口:

1. Provides access to members that determine if a certain spatial relationship exists between two geometries.


MethodContainsIndicates if this geometry contains the other geometry.
MethodCrossesIndicates if the two geometries intersect in a geometry of lesser dimension.
MethodDisjointIndicates if the two geometries share no points in common. Negate this result to compute the Intersect relation.
MethodEqualsIndicates if the two geometries are of the same type and define the same set of points in the plane.
MethodOverlapsIndicates if the intersection of the two geometries has the same dimension as one of the input geometries.
MethodRelationIndicates if the defined relationship exists.
MethodTouchesIndicates if the boundaries of the geometries intersect.
MethodWithinIndicates if this geometry is contained (is within) another geometry.














采用Relation来实现Intersects: RELATE(G1, G2, ‘T********‘)

1 string relationDescription = "RELATE(G1, G2, ‘T********‘)";2 isIntersects = (track as IRelationalOperator).Relation(ele.Geometry, relationDescription);3 if (isIntersects)4 {5 selectedcount++;6 pGraphicsContainerSelect.SelectElement(ele);7 }


ArcEngine 通过IRelationalOperator.Relation判断几何体相交