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--经过数天的查阅网上的资料(资料各种坑啊,一系列问题!),终于让他在linux-mint17 cinnamon工作了


getting "llua_do_call: funcction conky_clock_rings execution failed: attempt to call a nil value"

这个问题是普遍出现, 很多指向的是lua文件的value是了nil值


打开这个lua文件,跳到conky_clock_rongs函数 即可发现差别了!



如果您的电脑系统没有将home和/分区的话,不会出现什么问题,如果分了区的话,直接hadtemp就可以了,不要那些什么 hadtemp /dev/sda 之类,

不过我电脑显示的结果是N/A 可能是数据格式的问题  目前没有办法解决,有办法的人email我吧:11zjzhang@stu.edu.cn 感激不尽


问题3:就是电源的问题,默认查找的路径是/proc/asci/battery... 不过本人电脑找了许久,没有这个目录,因此这个conky的接口不能使用,劝大家看到就默默的删除这个功能


初拥conky-lua 不知道原理,所以不知如何下手自己更改,小小的磨练了一下,就关公门前耍一下大刀吧,也记录一下自己的学习

clock_ring.lua conkyrc 两个文件 中conkyrc是conky的设置语言,里面有很多的接口函数词 大家要注意

http://blog.csdn.net/dadoneo/article/details/6652326 配置变量表






  1 --[[  2 Clock Rings by londonali1010 (2009) Edited by jpope  3   4 This script draws percentage meters as rings, and also draws clock hands if you want! It is fully customisable; all options are described in the script. This script is based off a combination of my clock.lua script and my rings.lua script.  5   6 IMPORTANT: if you are using the ‘cpu‘ function, it will cause a segmentation fault if it tries to draw a ring straight away. The if statement on line 145 uses a delay to make sure that this doesn‘t happen. It calculates the length of the delay by the number of updates since Conky started. Generally, a value of 5s is long enough, so if you update Conky every 1s, use update_num>5 in that if statement (the default). If you only update Conky every 2s, you should change it to update_num>3; conversely if you update Conky every 0.5s, you should use update_num>10. ALSO, if you change your Conky, is it best to use "killall conky; conky" to update it, otherwise the update_num will not be reset and you will get an error.  7   8 To call this script in Conky, use the following (assuming that you save this script to ~/scripts/rings.lua):  9     lua_load ~/scripts/clock_rings.lua 10     lua_draw_hook_pre clock_rings 11      12 Changelog: 13 + v1.0 -- Original release (30.09.2009) 14    v1.1p -- Jpope edit (05.10.2009) 15 modified by putputput (13.10.2010v0.01£»14.10.2010v0.02) 16 ]] 17  18 settings_table = { 19     { 20         -- Edit this table to customise your rings. 21         -- You can create more rings simply by adding more elements to settings_table. 22         -- "name" is the type of stat to display; you can choose from ‘cpu‘, ‘memperc‘, ‘fs_used_perc‘, ‘battery_used_perc‘. 23         name=time, 24         -- "arg" is the argument to the stat type, e.g. if in Conky you would write ${cpu cpu0}, ‘cpu0‘ would be the argument. If you would not use an argument in the Conky variable, use ‘‘. 25         arg=%I.%M, 26         -- "max" is the maximum value of the ring. If the Conky variable outputs a percentage, use 100. 27         max=12, 28         -- "bg_colour" is the colour of the base ring. 29         bg_colour=0xffffff, 30         -- "bg_alpha" is the alpha value of the base ring. 31         bg_alpha=0.1, 32         -- "fg_colour" is the colour of the indicator part of the ring. 33         fg_colour=0x3399cc, 34         -- "fg_alpha" is the alpha value of the indicator part of the ring. 35         fg_alpha=0.2, 36     --×ÔŒºÐÞ?ĵĜø¶ÈÌõ£º0 ²»¿ªÆô£»1 œö¿ªÆôœø¶ÈÌõ±äÉ«£»2 œö¿ªÆôÍ?Ã÷¶È±ä»¯£»3 ¿ªÆô1¡¢2£»4 œö¿ªÆô±ß¿ò£»5 œö¿ªÆôÑÕÉ«Í?Ã÷¶È¹ý¶É£»6 ¿ªÆô4¡¢5£» 37     change_color=4,     38     start_alpha=0.2, 39     end_alpha=0.2, 40     startcolor=0x3399cc, 41     endcolor=0x3399cc, 42         -- "x" and "y" are the x and y coordinates of the centre of the ring, relative to the top left corner of the Conky window. 43         x=100, y=170, 44         -- "radius" is the radius of the ring. 45         radius=50, 46         -- "thickness" is the thickness of the ring, centred around the radius. 47         thickness=5, 48         -- "start_angle" is the starting angle of the ring, in degrees, clockwise from top. Value can be either positive or negative. 49         start_angle=0, 50         -- "end_angle" is the ending angle of the ring, in degrees, clockwise from top. Value can be either positive or negative, but must be larger than start_angle. 51         end_angle=360 52     }, 53     { 54         name=time, 55         arg=%M.%S, 56         max=60, 57         bg_colour=0xffffff, 58         bg_alpha=0.1, 59         fg_colour=0x3399cc, 60         fg_alpha=0.4, 61     change_color=4,     62     start_alpha=0.4, 63     end_alpha=0.4, 64     startcolor=0x3399cc, 65     endcolor=0x3399cc, 66         x=100, y=170, 67         radius=56, 68         thickness=5, 69         start_angle=0, 70         end_angle=360 71     }, 72     { 73         name=time, 74         arg=%S, 75         max=60, 76         bg_colour=0xffffff, 77         bg_alpha=0.1, 78         fg_colour=0x3399cc, 79         fg_alpha=0.6, 80     change_color=6,     81     start_alpha=0, 82     end_alpha=0.6, 83     startcolor=0x3399cc, 84     endcolor=0x3399cc, 85         x=100, y=170, 86         radius=62, 87         thickness=5, 88         start_angle=0, 89         end_angle=360 90     }, 91     { 92         name=time, 93         arg=%d, 94         max=31, 95         bg_colour=0xffffff, 96         bg_alpha=0.1, 97         fg_colour=0x3399cc, 98         fg_alpha=0.8, 99     change_color=4,    100     start_alpha=0.8,101     end_alpha=0.8,102     startcolor=0x3399cc,103     endcolor=0x3399cc,104         x=100, y=170,105         radius=68,106         thickness=5,107         start_angle=-135,108         end_angle=135109     },110     {111         name=time,112         arg=%m,113         max=12,114         bg_colour=0xffffff,115         bg_alpha=0.1,116         fg_colour=0x3399cc,117         fg_alpha=1,118     change_color=4,    119     start_alpha=1,120     end_alpha=1,121     startcolor=0x3399cc,122     endcolor=0x3399cc,123         x=100, y=170,124         radius=74,125         thickness=5,126         start_angle=-90,127         end_angle=90128     },129     {130         name=cpu,131         arg=cpu1,132         max=100,133         bg_colour=0xffffff,134         bg_alpha=0.2,135         fg_colour=0xffff00,136         fg_alpha=0.4,137     change_color=6,    138     start_alpha=0,139     end_alpha=1,140     startcolor=0xff0000,141     endcolor=0xffffff,142         x=70, y=370,143         radius=25,144         thickness=5,145         start_angle=-90,146         end_angle=180147     },148     {149         name=cpu,150         arg=cpu2,151         max=100,152         bg_colour=0xffffff,153         bg_alpha=0.2,154         fg_colour=0xffff00,155         fg_alpha=0.4,156     change_color=6,    157     start_alpha=0,158     end_alpha=1,159     startcolor=0xff0000,160     endcolor=0xffff00,161         x=125, y=370,162         radius=25,163         thickness=5,164         start_angle=90,165         end_angle=-180166     },167     {168         name=memperc,169         arg=‘‘,170         max=100,171         bg_colour=0xffffff,172         bg_alpha=0.2,173         fg_colour=0x33ccff,174         fg_alpha=0.8,175     change_color=6,    176     start_alpha=0,177     end_alpha=1,178     startcolor=0x33ccff,179     endcolor=0x33ccff,180         x=97, y=420,181         radius=25,182         thickness=5,183         start_angle=-90,184         end_angle=180185     },186     {187         name=swapperc,188         arg=‘‘,189         max=100,190         bg_colour=0xffffff,191         bg_alpha=0.2,192         fg_colour=0x33ccff,193         fg_alpha=0.8,194     change_color=4,    195     start_alpha=0.8,196     end_alpha=0.8,197     startcolor=0x33ccff,198     endcolor=0x33ccff,199         x=153, y=420,200         radius=25,201         thickness=5,202         start_angle=90,203         end_angle=-180204     },205     {206         name=fs_used_perc,207         arg=/,208         max=100,209         bg_colour=0xffffff,210         bg_alpha=0.2,211         fg_colour=0x33FFFF,212         fg_alpha=0.7,213     change_color=4,    214     start_alpha=0.7,215     end_alpha=0.7,216     startcolor=0x33ffff,217     endcolor=0x33ffff,218         x=125, y=470,219         radius=25,220         thickness=5,221         start_angle=-90,222         end_angle=180223     },224         {225         name=wireless_link_qual_perc,226         arg=wlan0,227         max=100,228         bg_colour=0xFFFFFF,229         bg_alpha=0.2,230         fg_colour=0x33FFff,231         fg_alpha=0.5,232     change_color=6,    233     start_alpha=0,234     end_alpha=0.9,235     startcolor=0x33ffff,236     endcolor=0xff00ff,237         x=153, y=520,238         radius=25,239         thickness=5,240         start_angle=-90,241         end_angle=180242     },243         {244         name=nvidia,245         arg=temp,246         max=100,247         bg_colour=0xFFFFFF,248         bg_alpha=0.4,249         fg_colour=0xFF0000,250         fg_alpha=0.3,251     change_color=3,    252     start_alpha=0.8,253     end_alpha=0.3,254     startcolor=0xff0000,255     endcolor=0xff0000,256         x=170, y=607,257         radius=25,258         thickness=5,259         start_angle=-90,260         end_angle=180261     },262         {263         name=time,264         arg=%H,265         max=24,266         bg_colour=0xFFFFFF,267         bg_alpha=0.1,268         fg_colour=0x000000,269         fg_alpha=1,270     change_color=6,    271     start_alpha=0.2,272     end_alpha=0.5,273     startcolor=0xFFFFFF,274     endcolor=0x000000,275         x=53, y=607,276         radius=60,277         thickness=10,278         start_angle=-45,279         end_angle=90280     },281 }282 283 -- Use these settings to define the origin and extent of your clock.284 285 clock_r=65286 287 -- "clock_x" and "clock_y" are the coordinates of the centre of the clock, in pixels, from the top left of the Conky window.288 289 clock_x=100290 clock_y=170291 292 show_seconds=true293 294 require cairo295 296 function rgb_to_r_g_b(colour,alpha)297     return ((colour / 0x10000) % 0x100) / 255., ((colour / 0x100) % 0x100) / 255., (colour % 0x100) / 255., alpha298 end299 300 function draw_ring(cr,t,pt)301     local w,h=conky_window.width,conky_window.height302     303     local xc,yc,ring_r,ring_w,sa,ea=pt[x],pt[y],pt[radius],pt[thickness],pt[start_angle],pt[end_angle]304     local bgc, bga, fgc, fga=pt[bg_colour], pt[bg_alpha], pt[fg_colour], pt[fg_alpha]305     local cr1,t1,pt1=cr,t,pt306     local set_o=pt[change_color]307     local stc,edc=pt[startcolor],pt[endcolor]308     local t_color=edc-stc309     local d_c=t*t_color+stc310     local sta,eda=pt[start_alpha],pt[end_alpha]311     local t_alpha=eda-sta312     local d_a=t*t_alpha+sta313     local angle_0=sa*(2*math.pi/360)-math.pi/2314     local angle_f=ea*(2*math.pi/360)-math.pi/2315     local t_arc=t*(angle_f-angle_0)316 317     -- Draw background ring318     if angle_0>angle_f then319     cairo_arc_negative(cr,xc,yc,ring_r,angle_0,angle_f)320     else    321     cairo_arc(cr,xc,yc,ring_r,angle_0,angle_f)322     end323     cairo_set_source_rgba(cr,rgb_to_r_g_b(bgc,bga))324     cairo_set_line_width(cr,ring_w)325     cairo_stroke(cr)326     327     -- Draw indicator ring328     if angle_0>angle_f then329     cairo_arc_negative(cr,xc,yc,ring_r,angle_0,angle_0+t_arc)330     else331         cairo_arc(cr,xc,yc,ring_r,angle_0,angle_0+t_arc)332     end333     if set_o==3 then334     cairo_set_source_rgba(cr,rgb_to_r_g_b(d_c,d_a))    335     else336         if set_o==2 then337         cairo_set_source_rgba(cr,rgb_to_r_g_b(fgc,d_a))338                 339         else340             if set_o==1 then341             cairo_set_source_rgba(cr,rgb_to_r_g_b(d_c,fga))    342             else343                 if set_o==0 then344                 cairo_set_source_rgba(cr,rgb_to_r_g_b(fgc,fga))                345                 else346                     if set_o==4 then            347                     change_clr_alpha(cr1,t1,pt1,1)                348                     else349                         if set_o==5 then350                         change_clr_alpha(cr1,t1,pt1,2)351                         else352                         change_clr_alpha(cr1,t1,pt1,3)353                         end354                     end355                 end356             end357         end358     end359     --cairo_set_source_rgba(cr,rgb_to_r_g_b(fgc,fga))360     cairo_stroke(cr)        361 end362 363 function draw_clock_hands(cr,xc,yc)364     local secs,mins,hours,secs_arc,mins_arc,hours_arc365     local xh,yh,xm,ym,xs,ys366     local mych,mycm,mycs367     local myhc,mymc,mysc368     369     secs=os.date("%S")    370     mins=os.date("%M")371     hours=os.date("%I")372     mych=hours/12373     mycm=mins/60374     mycs=secs/60        375 376     myhc=mych*(0x3399ff)377 378     secs_arc=(2*math.pi/60)*secs379     mins_arc=(2*math.pi/60)*mins+secs_arc/60380     hours_arc=(2*math.pi/12)*hours+mins_arc/12381             382 383     -- Draw hour hand384     385     xh=xc+0.7*clock_r*math.sin(hours_arc)386     yh=yc-0.7*clock_r*math.cos(hours_arc)387     cairo_move_to(cr,xc,yc)388     cairo_line_to(cr,xh,yh)389     390     cairo_set_line_cap(cr,CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND)391     cairo_set_line_width(cr,5)392     --cairo_set_source_rgba(cr,rgb_to_r_g_b(colour,alpha))393     cairo_set_source_rgba(cr,1,1,1,0.4)394     cairo_stroke(cr)395     396     -- Draw minute hand397     398     xm=xc+0.9*clock_r*math.sin(mins_arc)399     ym=yc-0.9*clock_r*math.cos(mins_arc)400     cairo_move_to(cr,xc,yc)401     cairo_line_to(cr,xm,ym)402     403     cairo_set_line_width(cr,3)404     cairo_stroke(cr)405     --cairo_new_path(cr)406     -- Draw seconds hand407     408     if show_seconds then409         xs=xc+clock_r*math.sin(secs_arc)410         ys=yc-clock_r*math.cos(secs_arc)411         cairo_move_to(cr,xc,yc)412         cairo_line_to(cr,xs,ys)413     414         cairo_set_line_width(cr,1)415         cairo_stroke(cr)416     end417 cairo_destroy(cr)418 end419 420 function change_clr_alpha(cr,t,pt,num1)421 422     local w,h=conky_window.width,conky_window.height423     424     local xc,yc,ring_r,ring_w,sa,ea=pt[x],pt[y],pt[radius],pt[thickness],pt[start_angle],pt[end_angle]425     local bgc, bga, fgc, fga=pt[bg_colour], pt[bg_alpha], pt[fg_colour], pt[fg_alpha]426     local n1=pt[max]427     if n1<60 then428     n1=60         --×îС·Ö¶ÎÊýÁ¿Îª60£¬±£Ö€¹ý¶ÉÆœ»¬429     end    430     local set_o=pt[change_color]431     local stc,edc=pt[startcolor],pt[endcolor]432     local t_color=tonumber(edc-stc)433     local d_c=t*t_color+stc434     local sta,eda=pt[start_alpha],pt[end_alpha]435     local t_alpha=eda-sta436     local d_a=t*t_alpha+sta437     local angle_0=sa*(2*math.pi/360)-math.pi/2438     local angle_f=ea*(2*math.pi/360)-math.pi/2439     local t_arc=t*(angle_f-angle_0)440     cairo_new_path(cr)441 442     if num1==1 or num1==3 then443 444     if angle_0>angle_0+t_arc then445     cairo_arc_negative(cr,xc,yc,ring_r+ring_w/2,angle_0,angle_0+t_arc)    446     cairo_line_to(cr,xc+(ring_r-ring_w/2)*math.cos(angle_0+t_arc),yc+(ring_r-ring_w/2)*math.sin(angle_0+t_arc))447         448     cairo_arc(cr,xc,yc,ring_r-ring_w/2,angle_0+t_arc,angle_0)449         cairo_line_to(cr,xc+(ring_r+ring_w/2)*math.cos(angle_0),yc+(ring_r+ring_w/2)*math.sin(angle_0))450     cairo_set_source_rgba(cr,1,1,1,0.5) --±ß¿òÑÕÉ«451         cairo_set_line_width(cr,1)452     cairo_stroke_preserve(cr)453 454         cairo_stroke(cr)455 456     else    457     cairo_arc(cr,xc,yc,ring_r+ring_w/2,angle_0,angle_0+t_arc)    458     cairo_line_to(cr,xc+(ring_r-ring_w/2)*math.cos(angle_0+t_arc),yc+(ring_r-ring_w/2)*math.sin(angle_0+t_arc))459         460     cairo_arc_negative(cr,xc,yc,ring_r-ring_w/2,angle_0+t_arc,angle_0)461         cairo_line_to(cr,xc+(ring_r+ring_w/2)*math.cos(angle_0),yc+(ring_r+ring_w/2)*math.sin(angle_0))462     cairo_set_source_rgba(cr,1,1,1,0.5) --±ß¿òÑÕÉ«463         cairo_set_line_width(cr,1)464     cairo_stroke_preserve(cr)465 466         cairo_stroke(cr)467 468     end469 470     end 471 472     if num1==2 or num1==3 then473     cairo_new_path(cr)474     local angle_k,d_k=angle_0,stc475     local sp_angle= (angle_f-angle_0)/n1 --t_arc/n476     local f_angle=t*n1477     local r_k,g_k,b_k,a_k=rgb_to_r_g_b(d_k)478     local a_k=sta479     local r_ke,g_ke,b_ke=rgb_to_r_g_b(edc)480     local a_ke=eda481     local sp_dr,sp_dg,sp_db,sp_a=(r_ke-r_k)/n1,(g_ke-g_k)/n1,(b_ke-b_k)/n1,(a_ke-a_k)/n1482 483         for i=1,f_angle do484         if angle_k<angle_k+sp_angle then485               cairo_arc(cr,xc,yc,ring_r,angle_k,angle_k+sp_angle)486         else487         cairo_arc_negative(cr,xc,yc,ring_r,angle_k,angle_k+sp_angle)488         end489         cairo_set_source_rgba(cr,r_k,g_k,b_k,a_k)490         cairo_set_line_width(cr,ring_w-2)491         angle_k=angle_k+sp_angle492         r_k=r_k+sp_dr493         g_k=g_k+sp_dg494         b_k=b_k+sp_db495         a_k=a_k+sp_a496         cairo_stroke(cr)497         cairo_new_path(cr)498         end499     end500 end501 502 function conky_clock_rings()503     local function setup_rings(cr,pt)504         local str=‘‘505         local value=http://www.mamicode.com/0506         507         str=string.format(${%s %s},pt[name],pt[arg])508         str=conky_parse(str)509         510         value=http://www.mamicode.com/tonumber(str)511     if ( value =http://www.mamicode.com/= nil ) then value = http://www.mamicode.com/0 end512         pct=value/pt[max]513         514         draw_ring(cr,pct,pt)515 --change_clr_alpha(cr,pct,pt)516     end517     518     -- Check that Conky has been running for at least 5s519 520     if conky_window==nil then return end521     local cs=cairo_xlib_surface_create(conky_window.display,conky_window.drawable,conky_window.visual, conky_window.width,conky_window.height)522     523     local cr=cairo_create(cs)    524     525     local updates=conky_parse(${updates})526     update_num=tonumber(updates)527     528     if update_num>5 then529         for i in pairs(settings_table) do530             setup_rings(cr,settings_table[i])531         cairo_stroke(cr)532 533         end534     end535     536     draw_clock_hands(cr,clock_x,clock_y)537 end



 1 # Conky settings # 2 background no 3 update_interval 1 4  5 cpu_avg_samples 2 6 net_avg_samples 2 7  8 override_utf8_locale yes 9 10 double_buffer yes11 no_buffers yes12 13 text_buffer_size 204814 #imlib_cache_size 015 16 temperature_unit fahrenheit17 18 # Window specifications #19 20 own_window yes21 own_window_type desktop22 own_window_transparent yes23 own_window_hints undecorate,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,below24 25 border_inner_margin 026 border_outer_margin 027 28 minimum_size 200 25029 maximum_width 20030 31 alignment tr32 gap_x 3533 gap_y 1034 35 # Graphics settings #36 draw_shades yes37 draw_outline no38 draw_borders no39 draw_graph_borders yes40 41 # Text settings #42 use_xft yes43 xftfont caviar dreams:size=844 xftalpha 0.545 46 uppercase no47 48 temperature_unit celsius49 50 51 default_color FFFFFF52 53 # Lua Load  #54 lua_load ~/.lua/scripts/clock_rings.lua ~/.lua/scripts/time_list.lua55 lua_draw_hook_pre clock_rings56 lua_draw_hook_post t_list57 58 TEXT59 ${color 00FF00}Highest CPU $alignr CPU%  MEM%%${color FFFFFF}60 ${top name 1}$alignr${top cpu 1}   ${top mem 1}61 ${top name 2}$alignr${top cpu 2}   ${top mem 2}62 ${top name 3}$alignr${top cpu 3}   ${top mem 3}63 ${top name 4}$alignr${top cpu 4}   ${top mem 4}64 ${font Zekton:Bold:size=12}${alignr}${nodename}/${machine}${font}65 ${color FFFFFF}${voffset 45}66 ${font Zekton:Bold:size=15}${alignc}${time %T}${font}67 ${color 7FFFD4}${voffset 51}68 ${font caviar dreams:size=8}${color #FFFFFF}${alignc}${execi 99999 cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" -m1 | cut -d: -f2 |cut -d"@" -f1}69 ${font caviar dreams:size=8}${color FFFF00}CPU${alignr}${freq 1}MHz×2 / ${acpitemp}°C${font}70 ${font caviar dreams:size=8}${color FFFF00}根目录${alignr}${fs_size} ${font}71 ${if_up wlan0}${font caviar dreams:size=8}${color FFFF00}IP地址${alignr}${color #FFDC35}${addr wlan0}${else}${voffset 2}${color FF6600} LocalIP: ${color #FFDC35}${addr eth0}${endif}72 ${font caviar dreams:size=8}${color FFFF00}${alignr}${execi 600 /sbin/ifconfig eth0|grep "Scope:Global" | awk {print $1 "\t" $3} | cut -f2 -s |cut -f1 -d"/"} 73 ${voffset -15}74 ${color 3399FF}${voffset 1}${sysname}${color FFFFFF}${alignr}${kernel}${machine}75 ${color 3399FF}运行时间${alignr}${color FFFFFF}${uptime}76 ${color FFFFFF}${goto 45}${voffset 30}${cpu cpu1}%${offset 65}${cpu cpu2}%77 ${color 3399FF}${goto 45}CPU1${offset 55}CPU278 ${color FFFFFF}${goto 70}${voffset 23}${memperc}%${alignr}${swapperc}%79 ${color 3399FF}${goto 70}内存${offset 65}交换区80 ${color FFFFFF}${goto 95}${voffset 23}${fs_used_perc /}%81 ${color 3399FF}${alignr 80}根目录82 ${color FFFFFF}${voffset 23}${alignr 50}${wireless_link_qual_perc wlan0}%83 ${color 3399FF}${alignr 50}${wireless_essid wlan0}84 ${voffset 17}${color FFFFFF}子夜${offset 14}${voffset -12}清晨${offset 10}${voffset 12}黄昏${offset -6}${voffset 31}深夜${font }85 ${color 3399FF}${font WenQuanYi Micro Hei:bold:size=13}${voffset -25}酱油${font}${font caviar dreams:size=8}de一天${font}86 ${voffset 5}${color FFFFFF}${alignr 32}${nvidia temp}°C87 ${color 3399FF}${alignr 32}GPU温度88 ${color 00FF00}Highest MEM $alignr CPU%  MEM%${color FFFFFF}89 ${top_mem name 1}$alignr${top_mem cpu 1}   ${top_mem mem 1}90 ${top_mem name 2}$alignr${top_mem cpu 2}   ${top_mem mem 2}91 ${top_mem name 3}$alignr${top_mem cpu 3}   ${top_mem mem 3}92 ${voffset 12}


