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March 13 2017 Week 11 Monday

A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.


Face comes from the heart.

Just smile a little more, and maybe I can get paid for my warm smile.

But if the heart is vain and bitter, how can I rise a smile on my face?


The more things you do, the more you can do.


Before I am designated to charge some projects, I thought it should be very easy to finish them, even if the outcomes were not perfect, at least I would make them better than what my colleagues had done.

However, as time had past, the acutal facts proved that I had expected too much, maybe I was too confident in my own capabilities, the two projects I am in charge of, both are late, both need to extend the time to finish them.

When I complained to my director and apologized for my postponements, and apologized for the loss of the company, my director and the general manager told me that there were a lot of things, abilities and experience, that I was lack of, and I need to do more to improve myself.

Yes, if I had done more, I would have enough experience to tackle with the problems I confronted, and I would be competent to the job, as a project leader.

But sometimes I felt helpless and powerless when the outcomes were so disappointed after I had done more for them.

Maybe the only thing I need to do is to do much more, whether the outcome is good or bad, my ability and experience can be improved through the process.

March 13 2017 Week 11 Monday