首页 > 代码库 > N-Queens



The n-queens puzzle is the problem of placing n queens on an n×n chessboard such that no two queens attack each other.

Given an integer n, return all distinct solutions to the n-queens puzzle.

Each solution contains a distinct board configuration of the n-queens‘ placement, where ‘Q‘ and ‘.‘ both indicate a queen and an empty space respectively.

For example,
There exist two distinct solutions to the 4-queens puzzle:

[ [".Q..",  // Solution 1  "...Q",  "Q...",  "..Q."], ["..Q.",  // Solution 2  "Q...",  "...Q",  ".Q.."]]






 1 public class Solution { 2     int solution[]; 3     int num_queen; 4     List<String[]>  result = new ArrayList<String[]>(); 5      6     public List<String[]> solveNQueens(int n) { 7         solution = new int[n + 1]; 8         num_queen = n; 9         placeQueen(1);10         return result;11     }12     13     /**放第n个皇后14      * @param n15      */16     public void placeQueen(int n){17         if(n > num_queen){18             String temp[] = new String[num_queen];19             String tempStr = "";20             21             for(int i = 1; i <= num_queen; i++){22                 for(int j = 1; j <= num_queen; j++){23                     if(j == solution[i])24                         tempStr += "Q";25                     else26                         tempStr += ".";27                 }28                 temp[i - 1] = tempStr;29                 tempStr = "";30             }31             result.add(temp);32         }else{33             for(int i = 1; i <= num_queen; i++){34                 solution[n] = i;                            //将n个皇后放到i列35                 if(isValid(n))                                //如果i列有效36                     placeQueen(n + 1);                        //放下一个皇后37             }38         }39     }40     41     /**42      * 第k个皇后的位置是否有效43      * @param k44      * @return45      */46     public boolean isValid(int k){47         for(int i = 1; i < k; i++){48             if(solution[i] == solution[k] || Math.abs(i - k) == Math.abs(solution[i] - solution[k]))49                 return false;50         }51         return true;52     }53     54 }

