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TI C66x DSP 系统events及其应用 - 4.1(Exception Combiner)

我们知道INTC根据128个system event的输入,然后输出下面的信号到INTC所在corePac的CPU:

? One maskable, hardware exception (EXCEP)

? Twelve maskable hardware interrupts (INT4 through INT15)

? One non-maskable signal that you can use as either an interrupt or an exception (NMI)

? One reset signal (RESET)

在INTC中包含下面的模块,这些模块用于路由system event到CPU的中断与异常的输入:

The interrupt controller includes the following modules to facilitate the routing of events to interrupts and exceptions:

? Interrupt Selector - routes any of the system events to the 12 maskable interrupts

? Event Combiner - reduces the large number of system events down to four

? Exception Combiner -lets any of the system events be grouped together for thesingle hardware exception input

CPU只支持一个硬件exception输入(即图中的EXCEP),Exception Combiner可将任何system events打包作为CPU单个硬件exception的输入,如在"TI C66x DSP 系统events及其应用-1"中讲到的上报内存保护问题的event(120~125)在实际应用中都作为了exception的输入,从而使CPU能够处理这些异常。这使得即使CPU仅有一个exception输入,但CPU也可以处理所有可用的system events。