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stack overflow的好问题 - java篇

问题 & 答案


Q:问题描述:怎样交换 foo 和 bar 的位置?

String word1 = "bar";String word2 = "foo";String story = "Once upon a time, there was a foo and a bar."


1). 使用中间变量的方式。

story = story.replace("foo", "lala");story = story.replace("bar", "foo");story = story.replace("lala", "bar");


2). 使用StringUtils工具类方法

StringUtils.replaceEach(story, new String[]{"foo", "bar"}, new String[]{"bar", "foo"})


A:会。即使没有赋值,也会有默认值。例如int i;和int i=0;的效果是一样的。


public static void main(String[] args) {    int i;  // ignored    int j = 5;    String s = "abc";    String sNull; // ignored}


  LocalVariableTable:        Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature            0       6     0  args   [Ljava/lang/String;            2       4     2     j   I            5       1     3     s   Ljava/lang/String;   }


但是,也有人认为,slot 只列出了0,2,3位置,而没有列出slot 1,而这个位置,正是给i留出来的。所以,他认为消耗内存。



public class ConstructorMethod {    abstract static class Base{        Base(){            info();            System.out.println("base class constructor running");        }        abstract void info();    }    static class Son extends Base{        public void info(){            System.out.println("Son class method running");        }        Son(){            super();            System.out.println("son class constructor running");        }    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        Son s=new Son();        /*Son class method running        * base class constructor running        * son class constructor running        * Son类的方法在Son对象未创立之前就被调用了*/    }}


public class ConstructorMethod2 {    abstract static class A{        private A a;        A(){            add(a);//注释掉这一行,可以消除空指针异常        }        abstract void add(A a);    }    static class B extends A{        List<A> bList=new ArrayList<A>();        private B b;        B(){        }        void add(A a){            bList.add(b);        }    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        B b=new B();    }}




1.How can I replace two strings in a way that one does not end up replacing the other?

2.Do unused local variables in a method acquire memory in JVM?

3.What‘s wrong with overridable method calls in constructors?

stack overflow的好问题 - java篇