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Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II






 1 public class Solution { 2     public int maxProfit(int[] prices) { 3          4         if(prices.length==0||prices.length==1){ 5             return 0; 6         } 7          8         int profit = 0; 9         boolean isup = prices[1] > prices[0];10         int down = isup ? prices[0] : 0;// 记录低谷11 12             for (int i = 0; i < prices.length - 1; i++) {13             if (prices[i] < prices[i + 1]) {14                 // 在上升15                 if (isup || i == prices.length - 2) {16                     // 如果这是一个上升过程中的一部分,但此时已经到达末尾,则最后一次计算profit,否则继续17                     if (isup == false) {18                         down = prices[i];19                     }20                     if (i == prices.length - 2) {21                         profit = profit + prices[i + 1] - down;22                     }23                 } else {24                     // 如果这是一次从下降到上升的转折,则prices[i]是新的低谷,更新down数值,将isup设为true25                     down = prices[i];26                     isup = true;27                 }28             } else {29                 // 在下降30                 if (isup) {31                     // 如果这是上升过程中遇到的下降,则表明这是一个下降拐点,需要计算利润并累加32                     profit = profit + prices[i] - down;33                     isup = false;34                 }35             }36         }37         38         return profit;39         40     }41 }


 1 public class Solution { 2     public int maxProfit(int[] prices) { 3         if ((prices.length == 0) || (prices.length == 1)) { 4             return 0; 5         } 6  7         int profit = 0; 8         boolean isup = prices[1] > prices[0]; 9         int down = isup ? prices[0] : 0; // 记录低谷10 11         for (int i = 0; i < (prices.length - 1); i++) {12             if (prices[i] < prices[i + 1]) {13                 // 在上升14                 if (!isup) {15                     // 如果这是一次从下降到上升的转折,则prices[i]是新的低谷,更新down数值,将isup设为true16                     down = prices[i];17                     isup = true;18                 }19 20                 if (i == (prices.length - 2)) {21                     // 如果是到达末尾了,则累加利润22                     profit = (profit + prices[i + 1]) - down;23                 }24             } else {25                 // 在下降26                 if (isup) {27                     // 如果这是上升过程中遇到的下降,则表明这是一个下降拐点,需要计算利润并累加28                     profit = (profit + prices[i]) - down;29                     isup = false;30                 }31             }32         }33 34         return profit;35     }36 }


Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II