首页 > 代码库 > shopping_cart


 1 #!/usr/bin/env python
 2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 3 print(欢迎土豪光临随心所欲旗舰店)
 4 user_money = int(input(老板,请输入你拥有的总资产:))
 5 shopping_list = []
 6 shopping_car = {}
 7 chose_list = []
 8 out = 谢谢惠顾小店
 9 goods = [
10     {"name": "电脑", "price": 1999},
11     {"name": "鼠标", "price": 10},
12     {"name": "游艇", "price": 20},
13     {"name": "美女", "price": 998},
14 ]
15 # 向用户展示商品
16 for i in enumerate(goods):
17     shop_id = i[0]
18     shop_name = i[1].get(name)
19     shop_money = i[1].get(price)
20     print(商品id:, shop_id, 商品:, shop_name, 售价:, shop_money)
21 enterone = input(请问你需要选购么?y/n)
22 if enterone.lower() and enterone == y:
23     print(请您输入你想要的商品id,选购完毕离开请输入Q/q)
24     while True:
25         choose = input(上帝的选择:)
26         #if int(choose) > 3:
27          #   print(‘亲爱的上帝,您输入的数字不在商品列表中,请重新输入‘)
28          #   continue
29         #else:
30         #    pass
31         if choose.lower() and choose == q:
32             break
33         elif int(choose) > int(len(goods)):
34             print(亲爱的上帝,您输入的数字不在商品列表中,请重新输入)
35             continue
36         else:
37             now_money = user_money
38             user_money = user_money - goods[int(choose)].get(price)
39             if now_money <= goods[int(choose)].get(price):
40                 print(您的账号余额:,now_money,购买:,goods[int(choose)],还差:,user_money)
41                 #print(‘加入购物车失败!‘)
42                 print("""
43                 1  充值
44                 2  删减购物车
45                 """)
46                 now_chose = input(请选择:1/2)
47                 if int(now_chose) == 1:
48                     recharge_money = int(input(请输入充值金额:))
49                     user_money = user_money + recharge_money
50                     print(您的账号金额:,user_money)
51                 elif int(now_chose) == 2:
52                     for w in enumerate(chose_list):
53                         print(w)
54                     while True:
55                         remove_list = input(请输入您想要删除的商品id:退出请输入Q/q)
56                         now_list = int(len(chose_list))
57                         if remove_list.lower() and remove_list == q:
58                             print(已成功返回上一层:)
59                             break
60                         elif int(remove_list) < now_list:
61                             g = None
62                             e = chose_list[int(remove_list)]
63                             for g in enumerate(goods):
64                                 if str(e) in g[1].get(name) :
65                                     user_money = now_money + g[1].get(price)
66                                     print(您现在的余额为:,user_money)
67                             del chose_list[int(remove_list)]
68                             print(chose_list)
69                         else:
70                             print(输入有误请重新输入)
72             else:
73                 chose_list.append(goods[int(choose)].get(name))
74                 print(chose_list)
75     print(chose_list)
76 else:
77     print(请稍候....,现在系统为你自动结算,)
78     #pass
79 print(您的账号余额:, user_money)
80 print(您购买的商品:,chose_list)

