首页 > 代码库 > 数据结构--开放定址法解决散列冲突时几种探测法的比较






using namespace std;

#define MinTablesize 10
#define Num 3000
typedef unsigned int Index;
typedef Index Position;

struct Hashtal;
typedef struct Hashtal *Hashtable;
int num_quadratic_probing = 0;
int num_liner_probing = 0;
int num_double_probing = 0;

int array_rand[Num];    //大小为1000的随机数组

enum KindOfEntry  //枚举类型,只能是其中的一个值
struct HashEntry
   int Element;
   enum KindOfEntry Info;
typedef struct HashEntry Cell;
struct Hashtal
  int TableSize;
  int Insert_num;   //记录插入的个数
  Cell *Thecells;

 Hashtable Rehash (Hashtable H,int ty);
Hashtable Insert(int Key,Hashtable H,int ty);

int Hash (int x,Hashtable H)   //散列函数
   return x % H->TableSize;
int NextPrime (int Key)  // 寻找Key后的第一个素数
    if(Key == 1 || Key == 2)
        return Key;
    bool flag = 0;
    int pre_Key;
       pre_Key = Key;
       for(int i = 2; i != Key; ++i)
          if(Key % i == 0)   //Key不是素数
       if(pre_Key == Key)  //说明Key没有改变
           flag = 1;
           flag = 0;
    return Key;
Hashtable InitTable(int Tablesize)   //创建一个散列表
   Hashtable H;
   if(Tablesize < MinTablesize)
     cout << "Table is too small" << endl;
     return NULL;
   H = (Hashtable)malloc(sizeof(struct Hashtal));
   if(H == NULL)  cout << "out of space " << endl;
   H->TableSize = NextPrime(Tablesize);  //大小为H->TableSize后的第一个素数
   H->Thecells = (Cell*)malloc(sizeof(Cell) * H->TableSize );
   if(H->Thecells == NULL)  cout << "out of space " << endl;
   H->Insert_num = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i != H->TableSize; ++i)
      H->Thecells[i].Info = Empty;   //每个元素都标记为空
   return H;

Position Find_linear_probing (int Key , Hashtable H)   //使用线性探测散列
   Position CurrPos;
   int CollNum;
   CollNum = 0;
   CurrPos = Hash(Key,H);
   while(H->Thecells[CurrPos].Info != Empty && H->Thecells[CurrPos].Element != Key)  //找不到时返回一个空单元
      CurrPos =  (CurrPos + (++CollNum)) % H->TableSize;    //使用线性探测散列法
	  ++num_liner_probing;     //冲突次数加1
      if((int)CurrPos >= H->TableSize )
          CurrPos -= H->TableSize;
   return CurrPos;

Position Find_quadratic_probing (int Key , Hashtable H)   //使用平方探测散列
   Position CurrPos;
   int CollNum;
   CollNum = 0;
   CurrPos = Hash(Key,H);
   while(H->Thecells[CurrPos].Info != Empty && H->Thecells[CurrPos].Element != Key)  //找不到时返回一个空单元
      CurrPos =  (CurrPos + CollNum * CollNum) % H->TableSize;    //使用平方探测散列法
	  ++num_quadratic_probing;      //冲突次数加1
      if((int)CurrPos >= H->TableSize )
          CurrPos -= H->TableSize;
   return CurrPos;

Position Find_double (int Key , Hashtable H)   //使用双散列
   Position CurrPos;
   int CollNum;
   CollNum = 0;
   CurrPos = Hash(Key,H);
   while(H->Thecells[CurrPos].Info != Empty && H->Thecells[CurrPos].Element != Key)  //找不到时返回一个空单元
      CurrPos = (CurrPos + (++CollNum) * (7 - (Key % 7 ))) % H->TableSize;    //使用双散列探测
	  ++num_double_probing;      //冲突次数加1
      if((int)CurrPos >= H->TableSize )
          CurrPos -= H->TableSize;
   return CurrPos;

Hashtable Insert(int Key,Hashtable H,int ty)
  if(((double)H->Insert_num /H->TableSize) > 0.5)  //如果装填因子大于0.5,就再散列,
	  H = Rehash(H,ty);    

  Position Pos;
  switch (ty)
     case 1: 
		 Pos = Find_quadratic_probing(Key,H);
     case 2: 
		 Pos = Find_linear_probing(Key,H);
     case 3: 
		 Pos = Find_double(Key,H);
		 cout << "Insert type error" << endl;
  if(H->Thecells[Pos].Info != Legitimate)  //
     H->Thecells[Pos].Element  = Key;
     H->Thecells[Pos].Info = Legitimate;
	 H->Insert_num++;    //插入的元素个数加1
  return H;
 Hashtable Rehash (Hashtable H,int ty)   //再散列,把表的大小放大到原来的2倍,再把原来的元素插入到新散列表中
    int Oldsize;
    Cell *Oldcells;
    Oldcells = H->Thecells;
    Oldsize = H->TableSize;
    H = InitTable(2 * Oldsize);
    for (int i = 0; i != Oldsize; ++i)
      if(Oldcells[i].Info == Legitimate)
          Insert(Oldcells[i].Element, H,ty);
    return H;

void destroyTable(Hashtable H) 
    free(H->Thecells );  

int main ()
  for (int i = 0; i != Num; ++i)
     array_rand[i] = rand();  //产生随机数

  Hashtable H1 = InitTable(200);  //200大小的散列表

  for(int i = 0; i != Num; ++i)
    H1 = Insert(array_rand[i],H1,1);
  cout << num_quadratic_probing << endl;

  Hashtable H2 = InitTable(200);  //200大小的散列表
  for(int i = 0; i != Num; ++i)
    H2 = Insert(array_rand[i],H2,2);
  cout << num_liner_probing << endl;

  Hashtable H3 = InitTable(200);  //200大小的散列表
  for(int i = 0; i != Num; ++i)
    H3 = Insert(array_rand[i],H3,3);
  cout << num_double_probing << endl;

   return 0;







