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bzoj1023: [SHOI2008]cactus仙人掌图







type  arr=record    toward,next:longint;  end; const  maxm=3000000;  maxn=300000; var  edge:array[0..maxm]of arr;  first,num,a,f,p,dfn,low,dep,fa:array[0..maxn]of longint;  n,m,time,tot,ans:longint;  function max(x,y:longint):longint;begin  if x<y then exit(y);  exit(x);end; function min(x,y:longint):longint;begin  if x<y then exit(x);  exit(y);end; procedure addedge(i,j:longint);begin  inc(tot);  edge[tot].toward:=j;  edge[tot].next:=first[i];  first[i]:=tot;end; procedure dp(x,root:longint);var  sum,head,tail,i:longint;begin  sum:=dep[x]-dep[root]+1;  i:=x;  while sum>0 do begin    num[sum]:=f[x];    x:=fa[x];    dec(sum);  end;  x:=i;  sum:=dep[x]-dep[root]+1;  for i:=1 to sum do    num[i+sum]:=num[i];  head:=1;  tail:=1;  p[1]:=1;  for i:=2 to sum<<1 do begin    while (head<=tail) and (p[head]+sum>>1<i) do inc(head);    ans:=max(ans,num[p[head]]-p[head]+num[i]+i);    while (head<=tail) and (num[p[tail]]-p[tail]<num[i]-i) do dec(tail);    inc(tail);    p[tail]:=i;  end;  for i:=2 to sum do    f[root]:=max(f[root],min(i-1,sum-i+1)+num[i]);end; procedure tarjan(x:longint);var  i,too:longint;begin  inc(time);  dfn[x]:=time;  low[x]:=time;  i:=first[x];  while i>0 do begin    too:=edge[i].toward;    if too<>fa[x] then begin      if dfn[too]=0 then begin        dep[too]:=dep[x]+1;        fa[too]:=x;        tarjan(too);        if low[too]<low[x] then low[x]:=low[too];      end      else        if dfn[too]<low[x] then low[x]:=dfn[too];      if dfn[x]<low[too] then begin        ans:=max(ans,f[x]+f[too]+1);        f[x]:=max(f[x],f[too]+1);      end;    end;    i:=edge[i].next;  end;  i:=first[x];  while i>0 do begin    too:=edge[i].toward;    if (fa[too]<>x)  and (dfn[x]<dfn[too]) then dp(too,x);    i:=edge[i].next;  end;end; procedure into;var  i,j,k:longint;begin  readln(n,m);  for i:=1 to m do begin    read(k,a[1]);    for j:=2 to k do begin      read(a[j]);      addedge(a[j],a[j-1]);      addedge(a[j-1],a[j]);    end;  end;end; procedure work;begin  time:=0;  ans:=0;  dep[1]:=1;  tarjan(1);  writeln(ans);end; begin  into;  work;end.
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bzoj1023: [SHOI2008]cactus仙人掌图